So I volunteered to keep someone's dog this weekend. What's one more? Right? Uggg...........Molly is a little tyrant!! My 20 lb ball of sweetness is masquerading as a pit bull this weekend. She has a dog that weighs 3 times what she does running scared. I feel terrible for both of them! Must get Molly better socialized with other dogs immediately. :?
Molly could be the tyrant you describe, or she was just doing her thing to show the other dog they were on HER turf. A couple of mine treat dogs totally different in our house, and meeting them at PetSmart. They seemed to also know the difference between an 'owned' dog (one who had a family/human of their own) and a homeless dog (one I brought home to foster) They were quite eager to help teach a foster the ropes lol, Where did Molly and the visiting dog meet? For future reference, if you bring a dog home that is going to come into your house, it's best to at least have them meet the Alpha dog or the Alpha wannabes outside (preferably in the driveway or front lawn) rather than on their regular stomping grounds (inside and backyard) This way they feel they have a chance to clear the dog rather than having it forced upon them.
That is the thing..................they've met before at the other dog's house. That's why I didn't think it would be an issue. I thought wrong, lol. The other dog is SO sweet and laid back. Mine is apparently a jealous litte ****!! Anyway, I will take that to heart about having them meet outside next time and not just bringing the visitor into the house. Mea culpa.
Obviously the other doggie is real submissive and like you said, sweet. Canines have their own rules for etiquette, learning to think like them took a while, but honestly, I like their style. There are lots of people (hubbys sports watching buddies and some rowdy children of friends/relatives) whom if I'd met them in my yard for a few before - they wouldn't have been allowed inside :lol: Molly liked visiting the other dog, she just doesn't want them visiting with out at least some clearance from her. She could just be super dominant and that's that. . .not always east to change. . .if that's the case, it does get you off the hook for dog-sitting at home in the future maybe
I agree with Zoo, my dogs are the same way, they have always been in someone house that has dogs and never had a issue, but if you come in to their home it's a whole different ball game..crazy as heck they are..