We just moved our animals here Thursday and kept the cat in one room until Saturday. We had a repair man come to the house today and now we can't find the cat. We're looking everywhere and calling out in the yard. The last time we saw her was before he got her around 11:15. He says he didn't let her out but he doesn't remember seeing her either. She is an inside only cat - has no collar - not sure what to do. IN wake county I know you can report your missing animal on a main animal control board - is there anything like that in Johnston county. We're in Johnson's Pond subdivision off Cornwallis near the Wake/Johnston line. thank you Martha
Cats...they'll break your heart! If it were my cat I would start by searching the house thoroughly. I've 'lost' cats in (almost...) every place imaginable: behind the dryer, under the dishwasher, under the dashboard of my car (she was sitting on top of the radio!) and most recently in my house's HVAC system- he spent two days sitting in the distribution box under the house. If he/she has escaped a description would help as there are a lot of 'at large' cats out there. Good luck!
And check your closets! I shut one of mine in the coat closet for about 12 hours. She never made a peep, but scared the *&^% out of me when I opened it again. 8) I hope you find her soon!
We found her! AND this is WHY you post - it's like calling tech support and your computer/phone/tv starts working as soon as you get someone on the line. We had gone through every closet - behind below and above everything - the garage - the porch - under the porches. We were to the point of crawling under the house and going door to door. Then we flattened next to the loveseat. Evidently - there IS space under the couch and she is NOT coming out until she is ready! Not one small meow to tell us she was under there. I guess she got scared when the repairguy came in and found a new place to hide - she spent the first 36 hours hiding behind the dryer so when he started working on it - she ran. Thanks for listening! (BIG SIGH) Martha
years ago we thought we lost a cat and we were looking all over the neighborhood calling for him.later we found him under the treadmill.we felt dumb walking around yelling "hoss"!
Especially when you were looking for a cat. You probably wouldn't have felt so dumb if you were looking for a horse. :jester:
I "lost" Molly (dog in avatar) not long after we got her. I was convinced she had gotten out when the UPS man stopped by. She was tiny and quick. Looked for 2 hours, inside, outside..................the little turkey was asleep behind the couch. I nearly cried I was so relieved when I finally found her. :lol: