just wanted to share my revelation...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by God'schild, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    this is just for a good read....not arguing::

    Can You Learn from Judgmental-ism????

    Now, that may or may not be a REAL word but it can DEFINITELY be a tool that some people use against others. Not nice, not fun and NOT acceptable. And unfortunately, some Christians are the main culprits of this. There are alot of “rule givers” and “finger pointers” (hearers of the word and not do-ers) out there that, quite frankly, give the ones who are not a bad rap. They will be the first to tell you how to live, how to act, how to do everything, how to think, etc...But do not observe it in their own lives. We all have run into this and have more than likely been very quick to tune these people out. Now, not ALL Christian people are like that but I am speaking about the ones who are.

    I myself am a Christian..but I still make mistakes and always will...some of them the same ones over and over... I don’t pray nearly enough as I need to, my mouth needs ALOT of work, my attitude needs adjusting EVERYDAY, patience is NOT one of my better virtues (but I’m workin on it) and I could REALLY use a lesson or TWELVE on mindsets and the strongholds of life that keep me down at times. Not to mention quite a few lessons on being the wife and mother that God wants me to be. ....I’m a work in progress! The LAST thing I would ever do is judge someone else regardless of their beliefs, lives or situations.

    I don’t like “judgmental-ism” anymore than anyone else and as a Christian, I am a victim of it....even more so believe it or not. But yesterday morning I woke up with a “revelation”, if you will, on “judgmental-ism” and I believe that God wants me to share it with you. It has changed the way that I will look at someone who is judgmental or a negative circumstance...and turn it into a positive experience.

    We have all heard that “God works in mysterious ways”. He does. He also works in our circumstances, through odd people, odd situations, sadness, grief and countless other ways. So when there is someone in front of me full of “judgmental-ism”, I remember that there is a reason for everything and that as I hear them speak, I will now purposely look for God to make the key point of this experience, known to me. I believe God puts things and people in our paths for a reason and to make a point to us. In all of that judgmental talk, there may one very small, minute thing that will hit home. Instead of brushing the person off and discounting them altogether, I will try to see what is lying deeper. I may not like or agree with what is being said but “one little thing” out of all of it may be the answer I’ve needed for along time..... It certainly beats arguing or being “judgmental” back at them. Can you learn from “judgmental-ism”?? YES.

    I hope this may help someone out there or encourage someone out there. Make the best of any unpleasant situation, conversation or circumstance. You may not see it right away. You think I was seeing angels play harps in the trees when my house was burning to the ground 8 months ago???

    Keep lookin’......
  2. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member


    thanks for posting this.
  3. blessed

    blessed Well-Known Member

    Love it!

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