Need another one? Phoebe need a playmate?
I hate I even looked... that is a great website! I love the write-ups on each dog, so funny and personalized. This little one says she has now ended up on "mutt harmony"... I had to LOL at that! Sassy, this little chihuahua is such a cutie.... no "ankle biters" allowed in my house though.... per DH :?
Cute overload!!! Now that is a talented photographer!!!! I don't need another dog.............I don't need another dog.............I don't need another dog............................
Isnt the photographer great? She's a professional. Really captures the personality of the dogs. This rescue usually has quite a few small dogs, if you know of anyone looking. They do a wonderful job at temperament testing, training and placing the pups.
Jasper & Guiness = OMG!!!! look away, look away.... My dog must be fat or something. :lol::lol: He's not even 7 mos old and I bet you he's almost 60 lbs