Sorry if this has been posted before (I did a search and could not find anything) but I want to know if anyone can recommend a karate school? My daughter is 4 1/2 years old and very small framed so we would like to enroll her in a karate class?? She is excited about learning karate - but I thought that I would see who you guys recommend? thank you for your help!!!
We use Redfield Martial Arts. Mr Redfield is wonderful with the children, he has seperate classes for preschoolers. All the kids seem to really like him. He is located in the same center as the curves over at the food lion off 42.
thanks! we rode by his center yesterday - just was not sure how he was with children - but that helps a lot! thank you for your help!
Like I said he is really good with the kids. You can find all kinds of instructors that specialize in different types of Martial Arts, but for a young child that is just starting out, my main concern would be how the instructor is with children. You can get into the other things once the child is comfortable with things and a little older to handle some of the rougher, tougher instructors. I don't think you would be disappointed with Mr Redfield or his style of teaching.