
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by cmdknw06, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. cmdknw06

    cmdknw06 Well-Known Member

    Anyone know of any good places for a 5 year old boy to take karate at 40-42??
  2. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    Redfield Martial Arts, they are behind the food lion beside where the quick med place is. Excellent instructor!
  3. cece

    cece Well-Known Member

    Jackson's Black Belt Academy - they are near Andy's - 40/42.
  4. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    80 bucks a month is what I found out, I thought that was expensive.
  5. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    What is the normal cost of lessons?
    I have looked around a little bit, I just want my daughter to go like once a week or something.
  6. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    The $80.00/month is not a bad price, I have seen some that go up to $120.00.
  7. Tweetyluvzme

    Tweetyluvzme Well-Known Member

    I second Jackson's, they are off 42 and Bratton Dr, behind the new Cookout that is being built
  8. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    Well when your on a fixed income that is to much for me..I don't need to take her 3 times a week, once is enough for right now..I just don't see paying that much for one day a week.
  9. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    I understand the tight income. There maybe some places that charge per visit or something, I really don't know. Check with some parks and rec programs, they tend to be less expensive. Hope you can find what you are looking.
  10. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    My son actually signed up for karate in Benson, at the parks department. It was only 1 day a week, and it cost $7 per week. Very reasonable, and not a lot of committment for a young child.
  11. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    mine did that too....and the instructor was outstanding....one of the boys became a state champion at the tournament!
  12. pbarefoot

    pbarefoot Well-Known Member

    I would think twice about putting a 5 year old into any karate class. My husband is a part time karate instructor (12 years now) and we have a 5 year old and would not even think about putting him in a karate class. I should say we wouldn't think about putting him into a really good karate class. The reason I say this is because if it's really a good school (and not just romper room), then the kids run the risk of getting bored because frankly 95% of kids don't have the control that it takes to develop skills in karate. A really good karate class can be very repetitive and difficult if taught properly. I realize that karate for kids has to be dummied down, but then why pay for karate? Enroll them in gymnastics or something. The point is that if it's a truly good school, it will be probably be too advanced for a 5 year old, who doesn't have the muscle control that it requires nor the ability to concentrate. Be wary of someone eager to take your money and claim that they are teaching karate. In most cases it's really romper room with a few kicks and punches thrown in to make it appear they are teaching karate. If you're okay with that, then my all means sign your child up.

    Just my 2 cents,

  13. kidsfly

    kidsfly Well-Known Member

    What age do you think is a good age for a boy to start karate lessons?
  14. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    if it's a good school, it should be perfectly able to relate to a beginning child, not find that they have no use for them

  15. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    I've often see Clayton Parks and Rec advertising Karate.
  16. kidsfly

    kidsfly Well-Known Member

    My 8 yr old DS does not know the difference in karate, judo, martial arts, etc. and I'm not sure why he is so interested in it- other than the "looks cool" factor. I like exposing him to different sports and we allow him to decide what he repeats or to try a new one. (But only 1 sport at a time- so he cannot do Karate in addition to soccer, baseball, etc.)

    He's been asking about Football and Karate since I can remember. Both of which I think he should be older to participate in, and we have been stalling in allowing those. I played one sport competitively that I started at age 6- because I loved it. I did other sports in high school and ended up being very successful in one I didn't even think about doing.

    So, I guess what I'm saying is I'm not a parent with the mindset that if he wants to do a sport and be successful he has to start now to be competitive with others. (unless of course he has olympic or professional goals in mind)

    I think he'll appreciate and understand karate at an older age, but I don't know much about it myself, and wondered what age those with experience recommend.
  17. pbarefoot

    pbarefoot Well-Known Member

    I think the question to ask yourself is: Is he advanced physically for his age? What about his ability to concentrate? Is it above average for his age? I personally have seen tons of kids come to my husband's karate school and get burned out within a year because this particular school is hard core and tough. However, if the school is geared for children, then he will probably have fun learning "pretend" karate. Don't get me wrong, they will teach him some kicks and punches but the form won't be correct, etc. Frankly, it's not the schools fault, it's the limitations of a childs body (unless the child has amazing control of his body) I personally would say that 8 years is the youngest I would put a child in any type of martial arts. I guess you just need to decide if you want to pay for romper room or not.

    Good Luck!

  18. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    haha if it's not pbarefoot's "hardcore and tough" school, it's just a romper room. maybe what's "hardcore and tough" is for some overcompensating tough guy to try to relate to children in a relevant and meaningful way, while introducing them to the basics of a martial art, instead of trying to prove what a billy badass he is to all the other tough guys in class. do you really think that nobody should start martial arts training until their bodies are fully physically developed and can handle advanced moves? what a joke. makes you sound like you think yours is the only school worthy of teaching people, and if you can't handle kids then nobody else should either....

    just like being "cool", those who say they are the most, usually are the least.

    of course, this is jmho, and you are entitled to yours. luckily, i've already managed to avoid your school, and have found one that does handle children very well. no, he's not bruce lee at 6 years old, but he's being given instruction that he can relate to and learn from even though he's enjoying and understanding it. the two are not mutually exclusive
  19. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    can I ask where, I am looking to get my 4 year old into something on a regular basis!

  20. dangerboy

    dangerboy Well-Known Member

    pm sent

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