Kennedy shot - 45 yrs ago today

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Kent, Nov 22, 2008.

  1. Kent

    Kent Well-Known Member

    I was 5 years old and don't recall exactly where I was when I heard that President Kennedy had been shot.

    I do remember vividly, though, that the following day, Saturday, NO cartoons were on TV. Nothing but wall-to-wall coverage of the shooting.

    Good column in today's N&O about Dan Barkin's recollection of when he first heard the news:

    This was one of the few times that my folks saved the N&O and kept it all these years.
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    The earliest TV images I remember is John's son saluting his father during the funeral procession.

    Also remember the killing of Oswald.

    Although my Mother was very conservative and to a degree my Step-Dad, my step dad always kept a small memorial to John.
  3. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    I remember my teacher breaking down in tears when someone came into our classroom and told her what had happened. I also remember being so upset that Saturday morning cartoons were cancelled to show the funeral coverage.
  4. Same here. I grew up in New Jersey and was 5 years old when it happened.

    Some years later when I was living on my own in Orange New Jersey back in the early 80's. I had found and old issue of LOOK magazine on top of a garbage can. They had an article about the new first family and one month into the presidency. And it was JFK. I have the magazine to this day. One of these days i plan on getting a display case or something so I can show it off. But until then I will keep it packed away for safety.

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