
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by DMJmom, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    We're going to be leaving our dog for the first time in a couple weeks, and wondering where I should take him (it will be for a few days). Are there any good local places, and how much do they charge, I have never used a kennel before. I am in the Cleveland area. Thanks!
  2. englishbullymom

    englishbullymom Well-Known Member

    We use Bone Voyage on Ship Wash Dr. (I think) there off Hwy 50. . LOVE them. We're actually dropping ours off next Wednesday for 3 days while we go on a trip. I always pay extra for him to participate in the doggy daycare while he is being boarded and he loves it. We also pay extra to have them do a bath before we pick him up and they do a great job. I always send a container of his own food with instructions taped. Our bully is soooo tired when we go to pick him up that he usually conks out for a couple days once we're home!
  3. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Just visited the bonevoyage website, and have a couple questions. I'm sorry if these are dumb questions, but have never been to a kennel before:

    A $50 deposit per run will be required for all holiday and summer bookings from Memorial Day through Labor Day. The deposit is non-refundable. Does this mean I have to pay $50 extra dollars because it will be summertime?

    Bordatella (sp?) is required. That's not a normal vaccine, right? That's an extra one I would have to take the dog to the vet to get? He's gotten all his vaccines, but don't know about that one.
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Bordatella is kennel cough. Don't they usually give that? Molly's had it, I am sure. It's the drops they put in their nose if memory serves.
  5. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    It looks like they credit the deposit against your boarding fees. You don't get it back if you cancel, but if you give 48 hours notice of cancellation you can get credit for future purposes.

    Bordetella is kennel cough, you would have to have that to board him anywhere.
  6. englishbullymom

    englishbullymom Well-Known Member

    No dumb questions DMJ! I had the same ones the first time we used them. The $50 deposit gets credited toward your overall bill when you check out. They only enforce the deposit during summer because they stay so booked. If for some reason your plans change and you cancel the boarding, you do not get the $50 refunded, however as long as you give them 48 hrs notice, they let you use that $50 as a credit toward your next stay.

    The bordetella is indeed an "extra" vaccine. Our vet administers it as a nasal spray and it is pretty cheap. I think its main purpose is to prevent "kennel cough" which can be easily transmitted from dog to dog. We have it done every six months because we do board our dog occasionally and it has always been required by any kennel we checked out.
  7. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    OK, thanks everyone! It said non-refundable, wasn't sure if that meant EVER, or just if you cancel. And guess we've gotta get to the vet to do the bordatella vaccine.

    Another question from their website, there are 3 options for kennels: cage, indoor "suite" and indoor/outdoor "suite". (I find the word suite ammusing in this case!) I'm assuming a cage is just a cage, what are the other 2? Are they just like doghouses, rooms, are they with other animals? And I know we're allowed to bring our own food or they will provide their own, but can we bring treats? I feel bad leaving him and would like to be able to leave him a little extra something.
  8. Kdog

    Kdog Well-Known Member

    krod kennels
  9. englishbullymom

    englishbullymom Well-Known Member

    I think the cage is for the smaller animals. Check out some of the photos to get an idea for the "suites". They are like little individual rooms. The indoor/outdoor one is a little bigger and allows the dog to go in and outside through an opening I believe. Our dog wants nothing to do with the outdoors so we always rent the indoor suite and it is a few bucks cheaper, but then we rent a cot for him so he doesn't have to lay on the floor. I know, cheesy, but they don't allow blankets and stuff from home! The things we do for our animals:lol:
  10. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    One important note - Bordatella vaccine MUST be administered at LEAST 72 hours (preferably a week) PRIOR to your pet(s) being boarded in order to protect them.
  11. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone! I actually just called my mom and she answered some of my questions.

    My dog likes to be in and outside, but sleeps on the hard floor all the time, and I guess I need to get her to the vet asap to get the kennel cough done. Boy, the town I come from had one woman who we all knew and took our dogs to her kennel, just dropped them off...piece of cake! Who knew there was so much to think about?
  12. carolinasun

    carolinasun Well-Known Member

  13. englishbullymom

    englishbullymom Well-Known Member

    DMJ if you are looking to board anytime in the next month or two, you may want to give them a call to check their availability. I know last summer when we had a death in the family we could not find anyone to board for us, even our vet and ended up taking him with us.
  14. CakePrincess

    CakePrincess Well-Known Member

    I've heard good reviews about Bone Vonage, but I'm nervous to put my dog there because the place where they're at is "stand-alone", along with other businesses surrounding. I do not know if there is anyone staying with the pets overnight. I can't picture them alone without people in the middle of no where.

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