My daughter will be starting kindergarten this year and I need to get her registered. With it being summer I'm not sure exacally how to do this or when the school opens back up so that I could register her. Any help you can give or just direct me to where I can find out would be greatly appreciated! Also when does school start back? Thanks!
Most JoCo schools are OPEN all day 9-5, maybe 9-12 on Friday. There is someone there at the front desk nearly always. Day one of Class is Aug 25, but there will be an open house before that and even a special K only Parents day at most ELEM schools. And If I remember correctly the K's have a staggered entry, 1/2 the class goes then the other half, then everyone.
Kindergarten Orientation is Aug 26th & 27th ( I think) we will be there for 1/2 day while the kids are assessed and the principal will address the parents. If I am not mistaken the staggered entry begins after those dates. See you there!