I heard through the grapevine that West View is having a special night for K parents tomorrow night. My son will be going next year and I haven't received any info on it. Anyone else know about this? I was going to call the school yesterday and forgot, so need to call them this morning I guess.
I'll be really upset if this was not sent out. I've heard NOT a word and I too have an upcoming Kindergartner next year. Please post if you find out. My 5th grader informed me before she left the door this morning field day for her is today. Urghh. Not going. I told her I need more than a 5 minute window and my kids know that. Feel she did it on purpose--LOL. I am going to field day tomorrow for my first graders. Now, my 2nd grader never told me when his was. I asked several times and gave up. Please do tell if kindergarten is doing something soon. I need to know. No idea about classes fo rnext year. Need to go re-register him. Stephanie--mom to 7
Stephanie - I'm under the impression you'd have had to register him to get a notice. Which I did and still didn't hear, but I'm calling later today. Also, 2nd grade field day is tomorrow (Thursday)
OK...called and found out it is next thursday the 15th from 6-7. Parents only, kids don't need to be there. Just an overview of what to expect for next year. We should be getting something in the mail, but if you haven't registered I don't know if you'll get anything...
Thanks. My registration is tricky--LOL. He was registered last year but decided not to send him b/c they weren't going to put him in the right setting. This year, we're sending him to a regular classroom w/ an interpreter(he's deaf). Should be interesting for sure. So, if your son talks about a kid talking w/ his hands, he's in my son's class!--LOL. Can't miss him. He's so excited and I've taught him to count. I'm working on colors and shapes next as he is such a quick learner. Doing the alphabet after that as I want it fresh when he goes to school in the fall. He's not fluent in ASL but we're getting there slowly. Thanks for the heads up on the 2nd grade field day. Looks like I'll be there all day tomorrow. Still don't have a stupid costume. Martha Stewart I am not. I'm sending him as pinnochio w/out the nose. More of the puppet. Getting cardboard to put around his legs and arms and some string. He's got the red shorts and white gloves. Still need to find a large blue ribbon as a bow tie and some suspenders. Poor kid's not going to be able to walk by the time we're done w/ him--LOL. Still trying to figure out the string w/out it all getting tangled. I need some bungee type rope that's white. Any ideas? Trying to get him to walk more of a pinnochio walk so we'll see. May adjust that prosthetic before school. Are the parents getting all fancied up too??? See some of you tomorrow at the field day. And some Friday at the Fairy tale ball. Stephanie--mom to 7
Stephanie - no, the parents aren't dressing up that I know of, although I asked my son if I should get a princess gown to wear. He just laughed at me! He did practice his dance with me last night, so cute. They really are dancing with girls (or boys) and I can't believe they're gonna do it! It's definitely something you'll want your camera for. I'm bringing my video camera, can't wait to see it! I wish I could help you with your costume ideas, but as you can see I'm not very imaginitive, if I was I'd have figured out this tight dilemna of mine! Good luck with registering your child, it'll be interesting to see how he does, I hope he does well. Good to know that he'll have an interpreter, is that something the school provides? Is he your youngest, or do you still have some younger than him? I still don't know how you do it with 7, 3 is just about impossible!! Although sometimes it feels like I have 7!
Yep, he's currently the youngest. 7 is no big deal. Here's the deal. Once you are past two, you are outnumbered anyhow--LOL. Our house the saying is there's always room for one more. Can't imagine how some of the folks have 12 or more. But, the closer I get to that number, the more I understand it better. I definitely can say we'll keep it under a dozen--LOL. Once the kids are in the adolescent years, it's not like they want to hang around mom and dad much anyhow...too much social life. I have a 15yo, 13yo and almost 13yo so they obviously are at that "age" that parents are more of a hinderance than a help--LOL. Oh for them to be little again....those were the days. Under federal law, the school has to provide whatever communication mode we choose for our son. We're waiting for him to get implanted with the CI which may or may not speed his verbalization along. It's a wait and see type of thing. In the meantime though, we definitely want him to learn both. Believe it or not, he's started to lip read at 5yo already! He's extremely bright and can't wait for him to start K this year. He wants so much to be like his older sibs though I must admit, this one will be the hardest to let go. Can't figure that out yet either as the others I was so ready to chase out the door--LOL. Got to go. Just finished a science and math lesson. Time for some outside work and then history( I personally don't like this subject but can't tell my kids that!). Have a great week and maybe we'll run into each other tomorrow or at kindergarten stuff. Take care, Stephanie--mom to 7
Stephanie - I'm not sure what your plans are, but even if he's not registered by next Thursday I'd still go if I were you. I'm sure it will be good info (even though we've both already done it, I always need a refresher course!) and there might be someone there you can talk to about any special needs you've got. And if your 2nd grader is in Ms Allen's class then I'll probably see you, that's the class we're teaming up with.