Kitchen Curtain Complications

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by nsanemom22, Oct 15, 2010.

  1. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I have a question for the seamstresses out there... And a request for anybody with bay windows.
    What do yours look like? I'm ready for some new curtains for my bay window. I made the ones I currently have. Some people play music by ear. I sew by eye. I didn't measure. Everything turned out great except for the lack of fabric at the bottom to make the hem. lol But other than that I think they turned out great. (the valences have a hem) Not bad for buying off the super cheapie clearance shelf at Walmart.
    I sewed the valance and the panel together because I didn't want two rods. It worked. And I had enough scrap left over to make an excuse for a tie back.
    This time I'm ready to buy. My thing is, I want a panel, a valence and a sheer. But I only want one rod. Can I sew the three together and it not be too thick to put on one rod?

    ... The side windows seem so small... seem too small for a regular size store bought valence at all. I may end up making my own curtains again. But think I'm stuck going with green. What I have now doesn't match. I was just in the MOOD to DO some thing! In a RIGHT NOW kind of way. The people who lived here before us... bless their hearts... decorated the kitchen with pink roses on a green back ground. It's pretty. But I think I'd like it better in the bedroom or something... The only thing that goes with roses is more roses. ... But not in the kitchen. Plus I've been looking at them for 15 years. I like greens, red/yellows, browns...fall colors. for me anyway... but to each his own... One day when we have the money I'll make it all mine. :mrgreen: Who knows. If I was forced to commit to a color in a bucket of paint I'm sure I'd change my mind as soon as it dried. I painted our master bath three different shades of green in less than a week once. Ended up going with a light terracotta shade, which I don't like. lol

    These are my curtains. The valences aren't patterned.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    And this is their wall paper on the lower part of the wall
  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I'd be ripping that wallpaper off if I were you!! But that is just me, I hate wallpaper, LOL :jester: I put up a border in my DR and painted the bottom half of the wall a deep maroon. It's pretty,but I'm tired of it. DH may shoot me though, that was a PITA to paint.

    As for color, I think something neutral like you have, but perhaps in a sturdier fabric? No roses or flowers or it will look like a BR for sure.

    Penny's has nice curtains, if you are near a mall anytime soon. They are spendy though.
  3. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    You should have seen the God awful crap that was in the bathroom. It looked like the Easter rabbit threw up. It came from Lowe's and there was a shower curtain to match. I got what I could of the paper off, before I knew how! (I didn't know how when I did he master bath. It's a paint covered shameful mess.) So it's bare down to the sheet rock with little spots that need patching. We bought a vanity top from Lowe's that had to be custom ordered because it was an odd measurement. When it came in it turned out to be too ugly to install so it's been boxed up under the bed more than a year now. I mean UGLY. So it never got finished. It's f u b a r.

    There is a lucky handy-man somewhere out there in our future.

    The first red flag we should have seen when we bought the house was the thinking "Oh we can fix that!" What dumb ***** we were. I was for wanting it and he was for letting me do it. lol Hind sight is 20/20! Half the corners in this house aren't even square. It was built during the big 80's housing boom when they were throwing them up like mad.
  4. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    ha ha!! I've seen some of those in my real estate days, trust me!! You go in a look and think WTH?? I showed one house once that the kitchen counters were orange, I'm talking Sunkist soda orange. I've seen it all! LOL

    My parents bought a little convenience store/gas station thing when I was in HS and there were living quarters upstairs and behind. You wanna talk ugly???? The one and only bath was done in chocolate brown wallpaper with hideous flowers. It looked like you were walking into a cave, I kid you not. I think my mother nearly fainted the first time she saw it, LOL.

    We had one house growing up that had red carpet. Red.................Christmas red. Unbelievable!!!

    Hmmm.............might explain my aversion to anything but neutrals in houses, LOL
  5. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    LOL... Red carpet... SEXY! :jester:
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    LOL!! It was SO not!! Looked like Santa had an accident in there 12 months of the year. :ack: Definitely a WTH inducing color.

    Iv'e also seen pepto bismol pink carpet in more than one house. Usually occupied by 80 year old little ladies. I'm all for decorating a house to your taste, but there are limits!!!

    When I worked for the builder, I had to talk one lady out of these horrid woodgrained counters straight out of the 70's. It was a $200,000 house. I told her we couldn't possible put those in since if they backed out of the sale, then the builder would have to replace them to sell the house. Nuh uh, no way, no how. I would have gotten fired for ordering those. :lol:

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