
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by cmdknw06, May 14, 2011.

  1. cmdknw06

    cmdknw06 Well-Known Member

    Anyone want one?? I have 3 that HAVE to go within the next hour or they will be going to the shelter...The mom is a stray and they are eating canned food. Seem to be around 4 or so weeks old...I know, too young, but my g-pa was going to kill I had to get them. There are 3 of them. I can meet around 40-42 or you can come to my house. Thanks!

  2. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Dang, I just saw this. Any tabbies? I am looking for Tom 2.0, El gato diablo de dos...
  3. cmdknw06

    cmdknw06 Well-Known Member

    There are some tabby's...PM me your # and I can try to catch one of them for you. They let you play with them fine...but the mama's have them hidden...and being kittens, they're quick.
  4. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    El Gato Diablo the sequel!
  5. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Yes, tassy. lol

    CMD, are those kittens stray or feral? I really need a kitten that has been in a home and handled by children so that my girls can torture - uh - I mean play dress up and wrap him up as a present without getting their eyeballs clawed out.
  6. cmdknw06

    cmdknw06 Well-Known Member

    They are stray's...they are still tiny, they have been played with almost daily since they were about 4 days old.
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Cleo, if you can get them now, you should be able to tame them fairly easily.

    Or I can get you a barn cat baby the next time I'm in VA. I'm sure my Aunt would be happy to help. :jester:

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