Urgent... Please if anyone knows of a business or a place where a Battle of the Bands could be held Saturday 3/21 please message me.. We have one scheduled and the location has to be changed. We have put a lot of hard work into advertising/promoting and just found out today that the Host now has to cancel. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks...
It was scheduled to be an outdoor event on 3rd street in Downtown Smithfield. We have 8 Bands Scheduled. From Soft Rock to Heavy Metal. We have all the sound equipment & Line up Now we just need a place to play. I hope that helps...
have you contacted chris from Downtown Smithfield Development Corp? he might be able to steer you right...
Not sure what kind of things they have going on at The Flipside in Clayton this weekend but it might be worth a shout to Cliff and Jodi and see if they can help out. I am sure they would appreciate the business if it would work out for all parties involoved.
You should post this over on www.raleighmusic.com. Musicians AND venues frequent that site and could probably hook you up. Good luck!