Lil Joeys has pre-teen clothes

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by drewzy101, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. drewzy101

    drewzy101 New Member

    I went to Lil Joeys the other day shopping for my youngest child and found out that they had clothes for my older children also. There is a 3rd room that you can not see when you walk in the store that has the larger sizes and even maternity. My older kids were happy to find some nice things, she had items from Justice & Abercrombie in girls and I found a few nice shirts for my older boy too. My son wears a size 18, so I was surprised to find anything that fit him. I spoke with the owner when I was checking out and she said that the hardest thing about the new store is its location since it is hidden and people do not realize that there is a 3rd room with the larger sizes.
  2. sheblondy

    sheblondy Well-Known Member

    I noticed that she had expanded her inventory when she opened this new location. I just took in a bunch of Boys clothes yesterday, 10-12 year old , and very nice. AE, Abercrombie, Hollister, etc. I thought she had a very nice range of sizes for boys to young teen, so i'll be back. I would imagine she has the same for girls.
  3. 3GR8KIDZ

    3GR8KIDZ Guest

    Where is Lil Joeys new location?
  4. JenJen458

    JenJen458 Well-Known Member

    Beside Morgan's Gym, where the post office use to be located, on the road Golden Corral is on (can't think of the name). Went in there yesterday they have three rooms full of pretty nice stuff.
  5. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    I thought Lil Joey's was a sandwich shop.
  6. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Do you happen to own it or work there? Your only 2 posts have been in ref to this store-- seems odd. :?
  7. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

  8. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

  9. drewzy101

    drewzy101 New Member

    No I am not the owner and I do not work there. You should not assume anything. Think what you want, the owner was polite to me when I was in there and she was talking about how it is hard to get people in the store b/c of its location and so many people assume that it is only for babies. I have another name on here but I did not want to owner to know who I was....sometimes its nice to do things for other people w/out them knowing who you are. I thought we were supposed to be supporting our small local businesses not trying to throw people under the bus when you don't even know the facts.
  10. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    I shop there all the time and love it. We have 7 kids, later this year 10 kids. So, having a store like this w/ a nice owner and nice stuff, helps out the locals a lot. I ran into her this past weekend and they are going to have a big bag sale very soon. CAn't wait. I try to support local businesses, local farmers as much as possible. Though we still have to shop at Walmart, it would be nice to not have all the local businesses go under. Another endorsement from me and I am in no way related to the owner or work there at all. Check them out.

    stephanie--mom to 7
  11. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I was just asking. Why are people so sensitive?? I used to be very active on this board- but you can't say anything these days without Drama!
  12. drewzy101

    drewzy101 New Member

    It was not completely directed at you, but also the 2 after you who have to put up the picture and the lmao comment...
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    What? Do not rattle sockpuppet's cage.....
  14. littlejoey

    littlejoey Active Member

    My friend just called and said that there was some chat about the store on here, guess I need to get on here more often, I am so used to updating our facebook page that I forget about the local stuff. Anyway, thank you for the few on here who are supporting us. It has def. been hard in the new store to get people to know that we are back there and to know that we don't take just baby stuff. On another note...if I can just figure out who keeps taking down our signs by the street we might would be ok (and you know it is not the people mowing the grass when there are signs that were right next to yours that are still up, its just wrong people).
  15. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Aren't those cardboard signs at the side of the road against county zoning or something? Not to mention, making the area look trashy.
  16. Breezy18

    Breezy18 Well-Known Member

    Support Lil Joey's!!

    It is a shame that people feel the need to poke fun and accuse other posters on here. This is a local business and we need to support it. The owner is very nice and is really great about answering questions about what she has in stock on facebook. I love to buy things second hand since items can be costly for children and they outgrow their clothes so quickly. Her items are gently used and priced reasonably. Please , everyone, just be nice and support local businesses. If not, you may one day wish you had when all the chain stores come in and don't care what customers want!!
  17. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    It's not about picking on a local business. It looks extremely odd when someone has 2 posts about the same exact thing. And IF they are a regular poster under an assumed name, then they are aware that it raises eyebrows and makes one wonder if someone is trying to skirt the rules about ADVERTISING in the forum.

    I'm not saying it is or it isn't because I've gotten to the point where I don't really give a rat's *** because some get away with it and others don't, so whatever. :cheers:

    All the best to Lil Joeys.............but yes, the handletterd signage near Cook Out that is still up about the tax free weekend (how long ago was that???) does look a little tacky in my humble opinion.
  18. littlejoey

    littlejoey Active Member

    I apologize for the sign out by cook out...I don't go in the store that way, so forgot about it. I have removed the other signs from tax free weekend already. When I was talking about sign previously, I meant the ones that we have printed up. There is no main sign to our store off of 42, which is why we have those sign there. I am sorry if people think it is trashy, but how else are we supposed to let me know that we are back there? It's not like I have 3 signs lined up in a row all saying the same thing or something. We are a small locally owned business, we don't have money like these chains and what not to go and spend a fortune on advertising. I am not the first person to put signs up like that, and I know I will def. not be the last. Come on now even Snoopys has signs up all over saying they are now open, and I am sure that they will change those signs to something else to let people know that they are located back there since they are hidden...just like us. I don't like getting all upset over stuff on here b/c everyone has the right to there there own opinion, but its just frustrating when people bash local business. The economy is tough right now and all it takes is one person to hear something wrong w/ a store and that spreads by word of mouth and then you have people not wanting to go into a store that they have not even stepped foot in b/c of something they have heard.
  19. littlejoey

    littlejoey Active Member

    Thank you very much!!! It is nice to see the support on here :)
  20. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I get what you are saying I really do. ONCE AGAIN, I am NOT bashing your business other than the old sign. I was addressing the issue of THE ORIGNAL POSTER, NOT YOUR BUSINESS in itself. I hope you do great, I love to shop consignement stores. I stopped by yours once and it was closed and at that time, did not appear to have anything that I needed through the window. Doesn't mean I won't go back. But since it is a PUBLIC message board, you have to take the good with the bad, that is just the nature of it.

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