My home is being overtaken by lizards. They are everywhere, all over my front porch. When you walk out, they fall from the ceiling, all over the swing, everywhere. I also have a gazebo that is screened in and they are all in there too. What can I do? Does anyone have any advice? I can deal with a few of them, but I have tons of them and I cannot deal with it anymore and they won't move. When you go to sit on the swing they just sit there, they don't run. Help!
Get a cat. Every cat I have ever known loves to hunt, kill, and eat lizards. Must be some sort of feline delicacy. :-D
My cats practically drool watching them on my front porch. One got in the house last year, his poor little tail didn't last long, but I got him out before they killed him, poor thing!
It might be lizard 'dating' season. I have seen tons over these last 2 warm weeks. DS loves to count them and see how many different ones he can spot in an afternoon. PLUS the warm winter did not send many to the lizard version of the Pearly Gates. and they do eat BUGS!
I'll go with Ken's reason #1. Probably and overabundant food supply. I wouldn't try to get rid of all of them. They are good to have around because they eat spiders and bugs, but it sounds like you have a few too many. Maybe a pest control treatment would kill off some of their food supply. Or maybe you'll save a ton of money on your car insurance.
Sticky paper! Get's em every time!!! I used those clear plastic laminate sheets. Laid them out where they like to sit, found an ant hill put a few on the sheet and viola!!! When they struggle to get off they roll up in a nice little throw away package. I cut the 8.5x11 sheets into 3 pieces. The bigger lizzards took using those sticky mice traps. Or, you can buy the sticky traps with roach pheromones here for $15.
OMG! there was a suicide mission in our dogs water outside. There were six dead lizards belly up in the bottom of the bucket. I thought they could swim. I guess these six couldn't. Was pretty gross!
Are they salamanders or anoles? If they are anoles, I can tell you how to get rid of them. Leave it up to the kids to water them and remind you to buy crickets for them. In no time at all they'll be curled up in the fetal position and they'll bother you no more.
Wow, I didn't know NC would get lizards! Coming from FL, we get lizards everywhere and they are gems - they eat mosquitoes for us. What's your lizards look like? In FL, they looked like this: Cats, children, snakes and birds are the biggest threats in the life of an anole (another name for lizard).
We have the green anoles and some other skink, it's got stripes and the tail is blue. I don't mind them at all unless they get in the house...........
Anoles actually change colors somewhat from green t brown and back again as their enviroment/mating season predicts. And the 5 lined skink can get to be pretty big if you have an insect problem in the area. But they are both harmless, with the exception of scaring you when you least expect to see one. Craig