LJk or Zookeeper

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by rushlow2004, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    I have a very important question and figured one of you might have a clue.

    My sisters Bengal cat is preggo, she has had litters before with no problem..question is she had one last night and she cleaned it and stuff, but it wouldn't eat..my sister said that it didn't look fully devoloped, now she still looks preggo. She is eating and drinking but she is staying in the same room/box where she had the other kitten, no drainage at all. Is it possible for her to aport that one and still carry the others to full term?

    I have sort of been through this myself with my own cat, but she was very young and never had litters, my cat didn't clean the first two that were born dead, and she was eating and drinking ect..no drainage..of course my vet said to wait a couple of more days, but I didn't and took her in some where else. When they opened her up she still had two more, and one was dead and the other is now 2 years old.

    Any thoughts are welcomed or PM me..I'm waiting to call my sister back with something.
  2. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    ok, she called her vet and they said since she is eating and drinking and not in distress or any discharge not to worry about bringing her in till tomorrow if she hasn't had anymore babies. As of right now, my sister said that she can feel the kittens move around.
    Also that she could have gotten preggo by two differant cats, but we don't think so, but possible. The cat really isn't my sisters, it's a roommates, but like me she (sister) tends to care. She said she noticed the cat was preggo about 3 weeks ago, and she is a small cat for a bengal, but I knew that most cats start to show about 5-6 weeks, so she could be ready to have the kittens by now.
    Any thoughts are still welcomed..
  3. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    IF it were my kitty, she would be at the vet regardless of whether she seemed in distress or not. I couldn't sleep without a medical professional assuring me that all is well.

    Your first post stated that the first kitty was born, momma cleaned it and it didn't eat. . is it being bottle fed? Young kittens need to be fed every few hours - there is formula that you can buy from vet or Petsmart to bottle feed with. This kitten must be kept clean and warm and WELL fed. Sometimes they need a boost to get them eating, and will grow just as strong and healthy as any other kitten - if not fed by humans, if they don't feed from their mother, they will become dehydrated, their organs will fail or they will starve to death. If I read it wrong and the kitten was born dead and she cleaned it - etc then wouldn't eat - she may have been depressed - that happens a lot.

    I'd get the kitty and its mother to the vet ASAP.

    This is why I always tell people who want their pet to have a litter so their children can experience the wonder of birth and all that rot just to spay their animals - a good many puppies and kittens are still born, or die shortly after being born and many a mother died during or soon after birthing due to complications leaving children traumatized. It's just not worth it with pet overpopulation being what it is.

    Treat that mother cat to a spay surgery after she weans those kittens and remember to tell it's owner that that mother cat can become pregnant again even before they are fully weaned.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2008
  4. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    The kitten died shortly after.
    Thanks and I will keep up with the update on the cat...
    I have experienced all this and I took mine into the vet and she is fixed as well.

    Now for my sisters roommate's cat that my sister seems to be the only one trying to do something. The last time I talked to her, the cat hasn't been taken to the vet cause their vet said to wait till morning. My vet told me the same thing with my cat and I didn't like that so I took her else where.
    That is all I know so far.
    This has nothing to do with a child watching the birthing of the cat, not sure why that was brought up. There is no children in the house and this is the cats 3rd litter and the others have had no problems and all the cats/babies from the other litters are still in all of their first homes. I'm sure this will be the last time for her, since this has happend. I only know what is being told to me, thanks for all your help.
  5. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Sorry I didnt see this Sheri, are you (and your sister) holding up ok?

    Poor kitty (both baby and mom). I have cats have miscarriages and 'give birth' to unformed babies, but they did all of them within a few hours. I would worry about a kitten being stuck in the birth canal. Mom can get pretty sick (not to mention the baby dying)

    Did the cat ever make it to the vet today?
  6. rushlow2004

    rushlow2004 Well-Known Member

    oh I'm fine it's not my cat, not that it makes much of a difference. She called me for my advice and I gave it to her and then some lol..but it's not her cat either. I haven't talked to her today, but my mom said that it had another one on her bed this morning and it wasn't fully developed either and it died as well as the first one. This is all I know so far.
    I agree she needs to go to the vet and should have gone already, not sure if she has or not.

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