Besides this forum -- where do you get most of your information about local issues?? and by local I mean very local, municipal, the 4042 area, AND Johnston County issues?? Do you subscribe to any of the local papers?? Smithfield Herald?, Clayton News Star?, the Benson-Four Oaks News in Review?, the Dunn Daily Record? Are there other internet resources you use to be informed of the issues? do you frequent WMPM? Do you think these media outlets do a good job in representing the issues in the county and your area?? I ask because I read a recent article that said most folks don't know what the issues are that they are voting on -so either they don't vote or they vote based on word of mouth (what they hear their neighbors say reliable or not) - so that got me to thinking about in a county as large as this one, how people become informed of the issues facing them.
We get our information from various sources. The Clayton News Stars, the N & O, television, radio and discussions with friends and relatives. We have some things on the ballot this time that we have not decided on yet and that is unusual for us. Actually, thinking about it everything we are voting on is still up in the air in our house and with some of our neighbors. This seems time it seems a little harder to decide, but we will and we will vote! Grace
Besides this forum... The Clayton News Star. Occasionally the N&O, but not much there about Johnston County. (I only get the Sunday paper.) But I usually make decisions based on my knowledge/reading/Webs about economics, business, and politics. If I lack the knowledge to make a decision or take a stand, I do more research. Try not to jump to conclusions based on the rantings and histrionics of others.
The Clayton New-Star sponsors a forum for local candidates and citizens every election. This year at least one candidate failed to show up plus only about 20 citizens were in the audience. They also ask candidates to answer a few questions that they publish.
Call me old-fashioned, but when it comes to newspapers and print media, I really don't look at their websites that much. I prefer the goold old newsprint. Now, my favorite website for local issues is Of course, they really only cover major stuff, but still I think a lot of folks check in on WRAL's website periodically throughout the day.
I get the Herald but find by the time it comes I've already seen many of the stories on the wmpm web site.
I second the WMPM site. I read local stories on there that I never hear about anywhere else.
Another vote for the WMPM website "Local News". They really give the skinny on things that the N&O only skims over. The S'field Herald is a shell of it's former self. I try to read the on-line Clayton News too. The best local paper is the Benson/F.O. paper, but they have no on-line site. They do great local sports & HS coverage. I also read the N&O daily; I try to really -read- the paper. It is just one of my "things". The news paper & a good cup of coffee start my day. I also look at the TV5 & TV11 websites for the weather.
thanks -- I am still curious about how others get the inside scoop on local issues -- I think of wmpm as primarily the crime reporter--