Hi all. First post and all that - I did a search and couldn't find an answer so I thought you lot might know. Are there any restrictions or ordinances pertaining to yard sales or garage sales? That is, do we need to have a permit or pay a fee of some sort? The last time I held a yard sale was years ago when I still lived in Miss. and our community required a $5.00 fee, a permit, and we could only have so many yard sales on a single property within a 12 month period. The yard sale we're looking to hold will be in Creekstone, on the second weekend in April. Any insight/advice?
Maybe technically, you're supposed to get a permit...I don't know. My mother who lives in town, has had a couple without getting a permit and hasn't been visited by the police. Of course, Clayton now has a Code Enforcement officer so, it may have changed. She hasn't had a yard sale in a while.
Not 100% sure, but it seems I have heard that you can have up to two yard sales a year without having a permit.
I live Extremely close to you. There is no need for a permit or such here. There is no limit as to how many yard sales you may have per yard or per year. My best suggestion to you is to contact as many of your neighbors as possible and have mutliple yard sales all on the same weekend. The traffic is usually heavier when browsers have mutliple houses in one subdivision. Be sure to put out plenty of directional signs to the subdivision from both ends of Sanders Road. That way you get shoppers off of Hwy 50 where Don Lee's is, as well as the shoppers cruisin' Raleigh Road. People will travel a few extra miles when there are multiple houses but not so much if it is one house. It makes the temptation and curiosity stronger. If the weather is good you will have a larger turn out of shoppers. And also consider a rain date if there are multiple houses. This way everyone already has a back up plan in case of bad weather. I wish you much success. It's getting to be that time of the year again and the shoppers will be plenty.
The only thing you have to worry about is your neighborhood covenant. A friend of mine lives in Flowers Plantation and they are only allowed 2 a year. The whole neighborhood gets together - they just had one last weekend.
Thanks - I appreciate all the advice! We're excited to have our yard sale - it'll be nice to have less clutter and a little pocket cash to boot!