Someone I work with is looking for a 1 bedroom small house or apartment, and would like to be out towards the country. It's for a middle-aged single male with his medium sized dog. He is very respectable, upstanding and just trying to get out from under the slum-lord he currently rents from. He would like to be in the $500/mo price range. He would like to be somewhere in these vicinities, 4042, Cleveland School, 1010, 50 & 42, McGees XRoads, Willow Spring/Fuquay.. if anyone has or knows of anything, please PM me and I we can exchange contact info. Thanks! on a side note... he is a tinkerer.. so he is looking for a yard where the neighbor isn't on top of him and wouldn't be screaming and hollaring if he happens to be in the yard working on his truck. He is very neat though, and doesn't like to have or leave his stuff stroughed (sp? KEN?? is that even a real word???) all over.
very true... but he is seperated from his wife and just looking for some space of his own to share with just his dog for a while.
There is a small brick house for rent on McLemore that may meet the specifications. Sign with phone # in the yard.