The Price is Right was on TV last night, hadn't changed the channel yet...the first contestant to come on was Brenda from Angier, NC! I thought that was so cool! She didn't win though...:cry: I didn't watch the show to see how she did later on with the wheel. Then at 9 I was watching Larry King, and one of the callers questions was from Cary, NC! Boy, the people from our state sure are busy aren't we?
There was a guy from Wilson on that new show, so I went on a Japanese Game Show...... I think thats the name of the show?
:lol: I watched some of that the other night - and the whole time I was thinking "why am I watching this" LOL however, I kept watching! :lol:
I actually KNOW a woman named Brenda from Angier. I wonder if it was her. Was she an older lady with blonde hair? I might have to call her.