Looking for a good Psychiatrist.....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by jlc007, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. jlc007

    jlc007 Well-Known Member

    I have a dear friend of mine that is very frustrated with her psychiatrist.
    Her Doc is very intelligent, can quote drugs histories and how they work in the body like an encyclopedia but that's where the pros stop.

    My friends suffers from anxiety and also has some gastro issues due to having her gall bladder removed years ago. After trying numerous SSRI's and anti anxiety meds over the past years, her current Doc basically said "Well, there's a workbook you can buy" and then said "Our time is up".

    She was so let down and now feels overwhelmed at having to go through the whole process of getting to know another psychiatrist and having to build up the history and all that. The anxiety has caused her to lose 20 lbs and I'm really worried about her.:cry:
    On top of it, she has no insurance

    Any recommendations would be GREATLY appreciated.

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