Looking for a woodworker of sorts...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by bcampbell, Sep 13, 2008.

  1. bcampbell

    bcampbell Well-Known Member

    Okay, here's the situation...

    I'm looking to build some musical speakers for a budding band project. I've done two already and discovered that while I'm not all thumbs, I'm not very good. Now, I can read the plans and hack my way through it, but when it says to make a 37º cut, I end up with a partial 37º cut and then have to fill in the rest with some bondo. I'm looking for someone to teach me how to do a better job as I am sick of my half-a$$ efforts.

    I've looked into courses, but they show how to make a great cut with an $800 table saw or are very specific to a project (Home depot weekend sessions). I want to know how to use the tools I have for the project I want to do. I've got the plans for a few speaker boxes and all the needed equipment (minus a router, which I have no clue on how to use).

    So, I'm looking for someone that is fairly easy-going, knows how to follow basic woodworking plans, use a circular saw, jig saw, cut angles, clamp things squarely, use a router, etc...

    Knowledge of musical equipment or electrical equipment isn't needed. I don't want someone to do this for me, I want to do the work. Somewhat like a very short-term apprentice. I'm in my 30s, educated, and a good listener (unless you speak at the exact same frequency as my wife).

    I'd be willing to pay cash, or return the favor with tutoring (K-8), manual labor, etc. I can send a link to the project(s) upon request. Or if you are in a band and thought about making your own speakers but don't want to go at it alone, that'd be cool too.


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