Looking for an organization...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Jun 15, 2010.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    that can help bring a child for medical treatment. OR, get supplies to her. This is an email I received & have permission to repost:

    When I adopted my son Michael from an orphanage in Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan in 2007, I met a shy young girl named Diana at his orphanage. Diana has juvenile diabetes. Diana's diabetes is not under control. Her orphanage doesn't have the money to get her the treatment she needs. Things like insulin pumps are very difficult to come by in Kazakhstan.

    Diana was supposed to be adopted, but the adoption fell through.
    Diana is 16 now, and too old to be adopted, under Kazakh law. She came to America and received treatment a few years ago in Texas, and the doctor who treated her felt if she couldn't get proper care she would not live to see her 18th birthday.

    She needs to be brought to America for treatment. I am campaigning hard to find a sponsoring group or physician who would pay her way. I sent out more than 8 emails to charitable organizations this morning but I think the more folks I talk to, the better. Please help me spread the word, so we can get Diana the help she needs.

    I have friends who are in Petropavlovsk now and can supply more specific information about Diana.

    Now, this lady is a friend of mine and has done more good in this world then probably 50 people combined. She told me she's contacted the national & international diabetes associations already. Her best bet is to come to the states for treatment & supplies on a medical visa and then go back. If anyone has suggestions, please do let me know and I will pass the information forward to her. Thanks so much.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  2. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    It is my understanding that children who are fourteen to eighteen are classified under the Trusteeship in Kazah and can still be adopted through this process. It might be much easier to have the girl adopted than any other way.


    Good luck,
  3. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Thanks Sherry! I'll tell them to look into it but this was coming from an adoption agency& a relief organization. Not sure of Kazakh laws as I only know Russia, Serbia & Bulgaria inside & out. LOL. Definitely going to check out the link and pass it on. You just never know. Apparently it was a really sad situation as to why the family could not adopt her but for privacy, reasons are being left out. Told she is a wonderful young lady. Thanks for the info & I'll pass it on.

    Stephanie-- mom to 7
  4. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    I usually check out the laws myself when I see something like that email. I adopted my daughter from the Ukraine without any agency so I had to check on the laws. That country shows that a child of that age can be adopted it just takes a little more paperwork.


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