Looking for doctor for arm

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, May 11, 2009.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    I need to find someone who specializes in arms/ hands. I can barely write this as it is. I have severe numbness. Tried the chiro. Went to Raleigh Neuro. MRI is normal. Haven't done the nerve conduction test(aka torture test). I do not think it is all nerves though. I can barely use my arm in the morning. This has progressively gotten worse over hte last few months. Any suggestions. Obviously, I'm not in immediate danger and docs just think nerve damage or compression. Anyone have a persont hey go to, let me know. Thanks.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  2. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    Interesting post. I myself had my arm and hand (right) go numb this morning for no reason about an hour after getting up. The feeling has since returned but still a bit worried about it.

    I have heard that carpel tunnel can do that but have not looked into it.
  3. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Well in your case it was probably Wayne and his Voodoo doll... :jester:
  4. Ima Sheltie

    Ima Sheltie Well-Known Member

    I guess I should have considered that.
  5. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Just got back form taking kids to the dentist. Met one of my old neighbors who is an ER/ trauma nurse. Got to talking & she had the EXACT same thing/ symptoms/ etc. Carpel Tunnel. She gave me a person to go to to check it out. Just never thought that's what it could be & suprised none of the other docs previously have mentioned it. Amazing that they rule the more expensive things out first--LOL. Thought I'd share in case someone else might be havintg the same issue. REally interferes w/ life. Hoping this is what it is b/c at least there is some treatment for it. Thanks. Have a great week.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  6. siameselover

    siameselover Well-Known Member

    stephanie, it does sound like carpel.get some wrist splints and use them as much as you can esp when you sleep.take motrin or aleve.not much else you can do unless surgery and with 7 kids i dont think thats an option!it takes 6 months to recover and if its both like mine thats 1 year!
  7. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member


    I had complained about similar symptoms, but I would get pain in my thumb area and it would go up into my arm and get numb, etc. I have some wrist splints and use them and it does help. If it looks like there is any swelling, use ice to relieve the swelling, along with the motron or Aleve
  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    DH had something similar, except it was the "funny bone" nerve and not in the wrist. Ended up having surgery to relocate the nerve from under the elbow to on top, he had damaged it. Don't mess around too long, he nearly had permanent nerve damage because he kept thinking it would get better on it's own.
  9. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the advice & suggestions. I am goign to call and make an appointment for sure. For this lady, they gave her hydrocortizone shots in the wrist. No surgery. My SIL just had surgery done a few months ago and she is still not back to herself. Surgery option would be very tough in this household for sure. Not impossible, just tough. We usually average 5 to 6 surgeries per year here so used to it but not used to me being out of commission so to speak. I have a daughter getting some major surgery stuff in May and a son getting some in June(not major though). Another son a few months from now most likely as well. So, if they can do a steriod shot for me and it work the same as the surgery, I am definitely going for that route. You all seem to say the wrist splints help. I can easily do that. Any exercises you all found that help? Any suggestions, please send them my way. I'm definitely trying everything. MRI, bloodwork, etc. and anything "serious" has been ruled out & I'm extremely thankful. But this numbness has got to go. Trust me, I did not write this short paragraph in one sitting--LOL. Thanks again.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  10. soulshine

    soulshine Well-Known Member

    I went to Raleigh Orthopedics on Glenwood Ave for my "trigger finger". I got a cortizone shot right in the palm of my hand (ouch). I could have surgery but they didn't try to push that. They were recommended to me by several different people and everybody seems to love them. They have a very good reputation.

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