Looking for some input

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by buddysmom, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. buddysmom

    buddysmom Guest

    Our central a/c unit died on the 4th...due to the kindness of friends, we have some temporary units set up in the house to keep us reasonably cool, but that's a temporary solution (not only do they need their units back, I'm not looking forward to seeing my electric bill)...

    We are extremely credit challenged, but own our home outright....I've found a unit for right about $1700, so I'm figuring with incidentals, the parts should cost me about $2500, and I can barter out the installation labor with my regular handyman....

    Does anyone know locally where I might be able to get a secured home improvement loan of between $2500 and $5000??

    Any suggestions welcome!!
  2. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    This may sound crazy but go to Lowes. They have a program that they will finance a new unit for u through any approved company

    A friend is having to do this as well. I think the first 6months are 0%the interest

    Good luck

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