Looking for someone to help with yard work

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by amyg113, Apr 10, 2008.

  1. amyg113

    amyg113 Guest

    My husband and I have a lot of branches and dead trees that we cut down sitting in our yard, along with a bunch of trash bags of general yard junk. We need to hire someone who would be willing to come out and take this stuff to the dump or dispose of it in any way possible. I know I see ads all the time for people who will do landscaping/cleanup/removal/etc., and of course now that I need someone I can't find any ads. Does anyone on here know of someone who does this type of work? TIA...
  2. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    As a husband, I always found that to be my job. :mrgreen:
  3. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    I have a number for a company called U Call, We Haul. Sounds just like what you are looking for.

    Disclaimer: never used them myself!

    Ron Ingerson
    919 740 6331 cell
    Trash Removal, Landscape Clean Up
    No Job Too Small
    (on his business card)

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