Hi, I'm going to be the classroom for a few weeks starting Monday, and would like to build up this particular classroom's treasure chest. For those of you who don't know, a treasure chest contains new or gently used McDonald's type toys, books, cars, etc. A trip to the Treasure Chest is most valued! This is for a group of 2nd graders. So if any of you have any you'd like to send my way, I'd be most appreciative. I can pick them up this weekend if that works for you. (FYI, I've tried freecycle, and have hit the goodwill, and there's not much there...I did get into my own children's stash!). Also, there used to be a thread here about upcoming yard sales. I was hoping to hit some of those of Sat. Does anyone know where the yards sales might be (besides just driving around). Please PM me if you have anything to donate. Again, thanks!