Lost 2 Female Beagles!!!!Help!

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by kneemillers, Sep 15, 2007.

  1. kneemillers

    kneemillers Guest

    Our two dogs ran off yesterday and I need everyone's help to find them. They are Daisy & Bea. Daisy is a 4 yo tan & white beagle wearing a black nylon collar and Bea is a 6 yo tri-color female with a tattoo on her belly (we rescued her from a puppy mill). They were last seen in a wooded area between River Hills and Flowers Plantation and also by the East Clayton elementary school. If anyone knows the whereabouts of our girls, please call me 919-333-2379. Thanks!
  2. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Have you found your pups yet?

    Most of us on the board live fairly close to 40/42 - but a few live out by you. I am going over your way tomorrow, so will keep an eye out for them on my travels.
  3. kneemillers

    kneemillers Guest

    No, nothing yet. Got a cal yesterday morning about a tan & white beagel - turns out it wasn't my Daisy. What are the odds! Tried to get him to come to me but he wasn't interested and seemed a bit aggressive. He didn't want me near him. I'm going over to animal control this morning to see if they may have been turned in. Wish me luck. Thanks for looking out :)
  4. mom2~1boy

    mom2~1boy Guest

    havent seen anything yet, I go by there everyday...
  5. kneemillers

    kneemillers Guest

    Still looking

    We have found one! The other - the small tan & white beagle is still missing :-( We are keeping up the search and checking all the vets, animal shelters and neighorhoods in the area. We miss her terribly! At this point, we think some one has her. We are going to offer a reward and see if we can get someone to come forward.

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