Both Jese and Laila ran off to chase deer in the woods seperating Indian Camp and Ironwood drive. They are both microchipped and have my home phone number on their tags.
Found I went driving up Ironwood and the very first driveway where the house sits way back in the woods there was Laila strolling up it. And when I called her name she came towards me and Jese came out from under the briar. Do not ever get fooled by three legged dogs ESPECIALLY three legged Hunting dogs. They never loose the yearning for the chase. They went chasing after about three deer!!!!!
What really scares me is what the traffic will be like once that new high school right at the end of indian camp opens.
Rocky, i am totally amazed by your love for animals and all you do to rescue them, but how in the world do they keep getting out? i had a dog once and i called her the master escape artist:lol::lol:
oh I go out with them. We usually go in to the back yard and they do their business and will chase each other and look up in the trees and try to chase the squirels in the tree tops. I was letting them out to do a pee since I had just come back from the grocery store, and was going to bring in some more packages. But by the time my foot hit the sidewalk Jese was out under the fence and into the wetlands. I ran down shouting his name and Laila was by my side. I turned around and she took off the other way into the woods. That's what I get for having two hunting dog mixes. I really got to go finish putting up some sort of fence in my back yard so i can let them out in to it. I would really hate to have to put them on a chain.
When we first got my one little guy we didn't have a fence yet. DH and I kept him on a leash while he did his business as well as took him for walks on leash. We felt our responsibility to protect our baby by leashing. Thank God we were finally able to put up a fence!
We generally keep our dog leashed as well. But get this, you can let her out at night off leash and she just does her business and comes straight back. During the day though, she'll take off like a shot. I guess she doesn't see anything worth chasing at night? On another note, she takes forever to do her business, unlike my other dear departed dog. I don't have that kind of time in the AM, so we just got a really long tie out for her. Hook her up, feed kiddo breakfast, make coffee and by then she's done and ready to come back inside, she comes up on the deck and scratches at the glass door. Works great and she isn't running all over. Hoping to get a fence myself one of these days, but this is working in the meantime.