Lost Great Pyrenees

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by mmoore, Jun 28, 2010.

  1. mmoore

    mmoore Guest

    Lost Great Pyrenees named Azlan. Large, white, fluffy, neutered male escaped his yard on 6/19. Very large and friendly. He's 11 years old with some health problems. Was wearing multicolor roper-like collar with tags and he is micro chipped. Please e-mail or call Melanie 919-363-6157 or 919-219-7236 with any information. Thanks to all!
  2. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    might help if mention what area you're in or where the dog was last seen.
    hope you find him! :)
  3. mmoore

    mmoore Guest

    We live in Apex and he escaped the yard but he could be anywhere. Pyr's have a 50 mile roaming radius and he's been missing since 6/19. I just recently heard about this website. He's also posted on WRAL.com, N&O, Craigslist, Petfinder, NC Missing Pets Network and Trianglelostpets. Any others I should know about? Thanks.
  4. rubysoho

    rubysoho Guest

    Did you find him? This is probably way off but on Thursday, I saw a large white GP at the corner of Edwards Mill and Macon Pond Rd in Raleigh. He was in someone's front yard, but I go through there fairly often and I've never seen him before Thursday.
  5. mayday

    mayday Well-Known Member

    Any news?
  6. mmoore

    mmoore Guest

    Azlan found

    Thanks to everyone who has read my post. Azlan was found but it was a very terrible and unexpected outcome. A woman and her dog came out to see if they could track him and found him in about 5 minutes. He was 200-300 yards from our house down a hill. He had no intention of coming home. He had matted down the grass and was laying on his side. It looked at though he passed away shortly after leaving the yard and there wasn't any signs of him being killed or injured. If he was still alive he would have heard us yelling for him or we would have heard him barking, even faintly. He also went off in a direction he had never gone before.
    He was going to be 12 in Sept and had some health problems but I never thought he went off to die like others had suggested. He just didn't seem that sick. He had major surgery in Jan for kidney cyst, bladder stones, prostrate biopsy (it was fine) and to staple his stomach to prevent bloat. Afterwards he was put on a special diet. His last urinalysis showed blood and the vet said if he didn't start eating better we would have to do more blood work. He didn't like his new food even though I cooked chicken and hamburger to mix in and was steadily losing weight. He went through a lot of testing in Jan and I would have though any other problems would have showed up but the vet tech said even if he was fine in Jan that it was like 3.5 human years and a lot could change. I have a call in to the vet to get his insight.
    We collected his remains and had them cremated. We are all in shock and having a terrible time dealing with this. We have met many wonderful people and really appreciate everyone's help and suggestions. Thanks for keeping your eyes out for missing pets!
  7. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    Melanie, I'm sorry for your loss. It sounds like Azlan went peacefully, and now I'm sure he's playing at the rainbow bridge.
  8. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry to hear about Azlan. They are a very stoic and proud breed. I know you will miss him.
  9. AnnetteL

    AnnetteL Well-Known Member

    I'm so very sorry for your loss!
    I've read of a similar story a few years ago where a lab that was ill ran away from home and weeks later the owner found out that a lady had found it and that it had died at her house sometime after.It's like they don't want us to be confronted with it.
    After our first dachshund died six years ago while we were at a family reunion of my husbands :x in Florida I finally came to the conclusion after a lot of soul searching that maybe he knew and wanted to spare us having to deal with it.
    We lost our other one almost four month ago,it's a tough time but eventually it will get better :grouphug:
  10. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    so very sorry for your loss. It is so strange that dogs do that, it is like they don't want to cause their owners pain by dying at home:grouphug:
  11. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry..They are beautiful dogs and Azlan must have been well cared for and loved very much.
    I have a small sign in mt kitchen I bought somewhere but it truely echoes my feelings. ""Heaven is the place where all the dogs you have ever loved come to greet you."

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