We have some young guys that moved into the house across the street not quite a year ago. Things were fine up until about 3 weeks ago. They started getting really loud and started riding dirt bikes in their yard and up and down the street. There are 2 guys and each have a bike and they are not quiet bikes but so very LOUD!!!! They have now made a dirt track so to speak in their yard and everyday at about 5pm they start riding until it gets dark. We wouldn't mind if these bikes were quieter but its the fact that they are loud that gets us. There are children on our street that ride their bikes and its scary when these guys are flying up and down the street popping wheelies and such. I tried calling the non emergency police line in Clayton and we have emailed them as well but no response. Is this legal and what should we do next. I don't want to talk to them because they are young and kinda afraid they will get confrontational. HELP!
Is it inside the city limits or not? The JCSO has always been very responsive to folks in my subdivision when things like this occured. I would stop an officer and ask him what they can legally do to curb it.
We actually just talked to a cop in the Lowes Foods parking lot on 70. We are thinking that we are not in the city limits so he said that we should try the Sheriff's dept. He thought they would have a noise ordinance like the city does and said that it is illegal to ride dirtbikes in the city so lets hope its the same for us.
not really, but you can complain and they come out to the house and ask that you keep the noise down. If you get more than one complaint then I think you can get a ticket. But if its during the day the only thing they will probably get them for is the road, if its state maintained.