
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Anyone on here live there before? If so, what was it like? How are the schools is my main concern. Any info on this town would be greatly appreciated. I'm looking for personal experience. I've already see all the websites out there. Did you feel safe there, people friendly, etc.? Thanks in advance for any thoughts you may have on Louisburg.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  2. I have family that lives there. I heard the schools are NOT good - the high school anyway. My mom's cousin lives in Louisburg and teaches at Bunn High School because Louisburg is so bad. Bunn isn't much better. I used to live in Franklinton which is close to Louisburg. The only good thing about it is the pretty land. It's very rural. Typical small town but not much charm. Not many good restaurants - must drive to Raleigh (45 minutes for that and shopping)I heard there hospital is THE worst. You would want to drive to Raleigh for that! Sorry - I don't have much good to say about Louisburg. I'm just going by experience and word of mouth from family.
  3. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    consult 39401.com
  4. ImTheNormal0ne

    ImTheNormal0ne Well-Known Member

    the people are friendly enough but the schools suck. especially for kids with special needs and all. I lived there 7 years ago and moved back to JC because the schools were not good enough ;( i loved the town and the people though still go there to visit my mom though about once a m onth.
  5. lisymoe

    lisymoe Member

    Lived in Louisburg for 20 years before moving to JoCo....I , at that time had 2 in school....one in elementary and one in middle...Just for the record....people are great...I still have family there....miss them everyday, that home town feeling...everybody knows everybody....but the schools leave a lot to be desired.....Terrell Lane Middle School is the WORST....I had contemplated on moving back "home"...but until both of my boys are finished with school....there is NO WAY because of that alone....Best of Luck....and take care

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