Least Popular Candy Heart Sayings http://www.badcupid.com/candy1.shtml This is from Bad Cupid..aka Anti-Valentine's Day Some Valentine's Day Cards that Will Make you Grin http://www.someecards.com/upload/valentine_s_day/index.html?ep=30 Bittersweets: Valentine Candy Hearts for the Dumped http://www.despair.com/bittersweets.html Watch for a few minutes, the page changes a several times The Ritzy Rover has Valentine cookies to express your love… for your dog. Don’t laugh, he’s the most loyal and steadfast valentine you’ll ever have. These cookies are made with peanut butter and yogurt, since chocolate is not good for dogs. http://www.theritzyrover.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=5703 Anti-Valentine's Day Candy Hearts The problem with those little candy hearts, whether virtual or not, is that they are so small. You can’t get much of a message on there. What if you had more room? Go to this Flickr page, then move your mouse around on these hearts. http://www.flickr.com/photos/airport_sleeper/99466837/ Here's Something for your Sweetie: A Chocolate Covered VW http://spluch.blogspot.com/2007/02/chocolate-coated-car.html The Japanese have theri own version covered with Strawberry Chocolate, candy and cookies. http://www.japantoday.com/jp/picture/1601 The Story of the Sailors Valentines http://www.sailorsvalentines.net/ Give Your Sweetie a Declaration of Your Romantic Intent http://www.bureauofcommunication.com/compose/romanticintent A Valentine Video via PostSecret http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzq3srbYEUY This week’s secrets are all about love, both sweet and heartbreaking. How To Love Like a Genius. Prepare for Valentines Day by studying the romantic schemes of history’s great minds. This is a pdf page. Match up the genius with their Romantic Strategy for Success http://www.mentalfloss.com/worksheets/pdf/worksheet_love.pdf Geeky Scientist Valentines http://www.neatorama.com/2008/02/12/geeky-science-valentines/ The Scientist Valentines Have a scientist convey your love to your sweetie. "I'm Sagan all my love for you" http://www.ironicsans.com/2008/02/idea_scientist_valentines.html Make your own Candy Heart http://www.acme.com/heartmaker/