Wow! I was just sitting here on, and all of a sudden, I swear, I thought a plane was flying right into my house! It was so loud, I was actually scared to death! I couldn't see it due to trees, and by the time I ran to the backyard it was gone...I wonder what it was, that's never happened here before. FYI I live near 42/50.
I heard it too! I almost had a heart attack. I thought a plane was going to crash into the house or yard it was soo loud. I ran to the front door and saw it passing. He was going REAL fast. I actually looked on CNN to make sure we weren't under attack!
My 4 yo son yelled "mommy, it's storming!" My heart is still beating fast from that, I thought my life was over!
I'm with you! I thought it was a regular commuter plane at first. My 4 year old was so busy playing with her polly pockets she didn't even move!
Could it possibly be this? Grace
Is it wrong that I just figured it was ANOTHER drug bust around our neighborhood?? FYI, we live in austin meadows and have had 2 in the last 4 or so months. K
Oh my... I was coming back from lunch and I was at the stop light of White Oak Road and Hwy 70 and I heard the Jet!! I thought an 18 wheeler was about to rear end me... looked in my rear view mirror for the big truck that I knew was going to hit me and saw nothing... looked around to see if it was coming in on my side and then all of a sudden it flew over my head!!!! Wow.... made my heart just race!!!! And it was only one lonely jet but scared me like crazy!!!
Having been on the " up the famous creek without a paddle" assisted end of CAS - close air support, I can tell you that I welcome the sound. It can be unsettling if you've never heard it, nor had to have it to SYA. To me, it's a sound that the calvary in a fast mover has arrived. Just like a 9mm, you never need a 9mm until you need it badly.
I heard it too. Didn't scare me at all. Startled may be a better word. The kids love it when they fly over. We see the huge troop carrier planes fly over all the time. Jets fly over pretty often too. Lately, they do seem to be flying lower than they have in past years. Doesn't bother me either H6. It's the sound of FREEDOM! Gives me the warm fuzzies to know our boys are up there on the job! I usually think to myself "God Bless them!!" And I really do hope He does! :-D
I like the purpose of the sound (Love me some freedom too)LOL... Just scared me when I thought it was an 18 wheeler squeeling its tires before it hit me in the rear end ealier today!! LOL I am from Angier/Buies Creek area originally so we saw the big planes and jets all the time since we were in a flight path for fort bragg, but this one took me by surprise in Garner! LOL
If it is exhaust on your car to run and put out a fire or you are in training to save a life, or something like that then I am ok with the noise pollution. I do not think the goverment should be "free riding" to just play and waste gas on a jet, or waste money, but on a mission, practicing, or anything like that then I personally am ok with it.
We all live near Fort Bragg/Pope, Camp Lejuene, Seymour Johnson, and Cherry Point. I'm surprised we don't get more noise than we do. If you live east of Raleigh, military jet noise and large helicopters are just something to expect...and appreciate. Not just from a patriotic point of view, but from a financial point of view.
Today (Oct 23rd at 2pm), I saw a fighter jet zoomed right above of me! It's so cool to watch and feel the roaring sound. I wonder what they're up to?
Cake, many aircraft have multiple roles...fighters can be used as attack planes, as bombers...just multiple role aircraft. Like you, I look up to see them when I hear them, even after all these years. As for the argument that since we have such new technology that pilots don't need to practice low runs, I disagree wholeheartedly with this. Having been a a beneficiary of Close Air, and with the knowledge of just how surgical things sometimes need to be, I have less faith in someone sitting miles away, controlling some explosive technology might be able to react to a fluid dynamic battle scene than the driver of a fast mover at low altitude. I'll take an eagle eyed pilot ON SCENE over some remote anything, any day of the week. And this type of flying, called NOE or Nap of the Earth flight, allows aircraft to be less likely to be detected enroute. Army chopper pilots routinely practice this, and some of the sorties I've flown on put the ultimate roller coaster stuff to shame. We're taking industrial grade puke, courtesy of a hot shot pilot. And, as explained, it's easier to clean puke off your shirt than bandage a wound, meaning that the pilots also prefer low level (safer) stuff. It's a high risk way to fly, as is night flight using Night Vision Goggles. Using NVGs is an invitation to a crash, which can only be negated by more training, which exposes a pilot to increased likelihood of NVG incidents. But, the only answer is to keep training. Same as Close Air Support. When I need it, I don't want someone who saw it in only a book. I want a driver that knows how to fly the aircraft and Save My Assets when the stuff has become engaged in the fan, which he has probably practiced.
Fly over The plane we all heard today was a F-18 out of Seymour Johnson AFB... When they are doing training, Johnston Co. is in the outer bounderies.
I have never known you to be at a loss of words. We had a Thread about this a while back and several posters explained some facts to me which changed my mind on things. This was a lighten up. I guess I will always be nutty to those who don't want to hear things that go against what they believe. In the other Thread I actually learned a lot and like I said...I actually changed my mind. An open mind is the best kind. Grace