I've always liked horror and science fiction flicks. Had seen Shyamalan's "The Village" a few years ago and thought it was Ok. Saw the previews for "The Happening" and thought it had real potential - and after seeing it tonight I can report that it is indeed a horror film. Let me rephrase that. "The Happening" is a really, really, really, REALLY, HORRIBLE film. So bad that as you watch it you can't believe you are actually sitting there and continuing to endure the really, really, REALLY HORRIBLE acting, total lack of a plot with any shred of believability and the really, really, REALLY below average cinematography. If this doesn't tank Mark Wahlberg's career, I will be surprised. His acting (and I use that term very loosely) is below that of a junior highschool play. Everybody else in the film is just as bad or worse. And it wasn't just me - the majority of the people watching the flick were laughing and making comments after about the first 10 minutes. Yes - it starts out badly and gets even worse as it goes on. Oh!! And lets not forget how really, really, really, REALLY bad the soundtrack is! (I was paying attention to the music and items on tables in the background because the flick itself held zero interest.) The only way to describe it is, you know in the old Looney Tunes when Wiley E. Coyote would be hiding or peeking around a corner and there was that wandering, solo note played on an Oboe to set the mood? Yeah, well they ripped that off and used it in more than once! Busted!! Not one time during the entire movie was there any suspense, anything even mildly "scary", or for that matter, even mildly interesting. I hope I'm getting across how bad this movie is! Forget waterboarding. Releasing this movie onto an unsuspecting public is cruel and unusual punishment. Shyamalan - you really should step up and do the right thing. Refund everyone their ticket price. You can send the $9.25 to my PayPlal account. End of rant. You have been warned! 8) (After seeing Wahlberg in this disaster, I am now fearful of what the new Hulk film may do to Ed Norton! It couldn't be worse than "The Happening"...could it?)
:lol::lol: My teenage son wanted us to go see it with him so I am VERY, VERY thankful that you gave this review and we didn't waste our money. As bad as this sounds, I wouldn't even want to waste money on renting it! I can relate to the torture you endured though by remembering back to having to sit through that AWFUL Clifford movie a few years ago. :ack:
I've been fairly disappointed in his movies. They don't live up to the hype. I found the village to be so so, the Sixth Sence was alright, Signs wasn't that good. I'm glad that I didn't go see this one, I was afraid of it beeing just what you said.....Bad. Mike
Saw a review that sounded right to me that stated M. Night Shyamalan started with an OK movie and then degraded on each subsequent movie.
I was afraid of that. When the previews look "ooo, that looks good and chilly" the movie is usually a flop when it comes to horror. *sigh* I was looking forward to it, too. Bummer!!
I don't feel so bas now. I went to the matinee for $6.50. The Happening is truly a bad movie in every sense of the word. The only bright spot is a few of the visuals (the scen where people jump). I want to know what made anyone think Mark Wahlberg could act in the first place. I guess he was okay in the Departed, but he was playing a south Boston loudmouth...a real stretch! As for the Hulk. Go see it. It is not so much a sequel as it is a do-over with a different and much better story line. They perfectly blended the new story with the old one while making you forget the old one ever happened at the same time. Ed Norton does a phenomenal job and Liv Tyler is way better than Jennifer Connelly (although not a good looking). The coolest thing is that Marvel now has production rights to a lot of their titles and are beginning to cross polinate the story lines. Think Avengers with Robert Downey Jr., Ed Norton, Sam Jackson and a new Captain America and you have the beginnings of something very cool (if you were ever into comics). Downey and Norton are no slouches in the acting department.
i went to see this with my friends on Friday night, with the knowledge that it was probably going to be awful. I loved Sixth Sense, enjoyed Signs, disliked Unbreakable, hate The Village, and skipped Lady in the Water because it looked lame. My friends and I laughed through the whole thing. It was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Neither of them have seen Unbreakable or The Village, and we are thinking about having a crappy movie fest with those two movies, and throw in Wicker Man for good measure. I will never spend money on one of his movies again. Luckily I got a military discount so the movie only cost me $7. Thanks to my husband for serving our country so I can go see dreck like this at a discount!
And i thought i was the only one to see The Big Hit. Love that movie. Actually like all of his. He was good in The Perfect Storm as well. To me he has that John Cusack feel to it.....he is the sort of "everyman" in his movies. Especially in Invincible.
Actually, he's not half bad as an actor, I can think of several that are 10 times worse, all those movies Ken mentioned were decent. And heck, he's easy on the eyes. :mrgreen:
Yes he was....especially when talking to Mr. Big after their first hit and Lou not getting the actual kill but doing the fake pout until Marky gave in and let him have the money. Classic!
You HAVE to check out Mark in the movie FEAR. It actually isn't that bad of a movie as far as plot goes and Reece Witherspoon is in it too.
Movie trailer for The Big Hit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpfPTiDPGK4&feature=related "Non dairy creamer?" :::cackle:::
rent it! Joaquin Phoenix is in it too. They co produced. its a great movie. http://www.sonypictures.com/homevideo/weownthenight/
Shame... Haven't seen the movie, but was looking forward to seeing it this weekend. I guess I will now wait to it goes to the Howell and only spend $2.00 on it. Loved "Signs" and its underlining message about a person struggling with their faith, and how the small things in life really make a difference in ones future. Just my $.02 opcorn:
I finally bought it off Amazon a few years ago because I wore out my first copy. It is too good to me!
and Shooter, I can't believe I forgot Shooter.....he was outstanding in that,great book too. The entire 'Shooter' series is an outstanding read.... http://www.shootermovie.com/