My Daughter has a male cat. He is almost 3 years old. He seems to be lonely sometimes. I'm thinking about getting a kitten. IF and this is a big IF I get another cat should it be male or female? Is having two cats like having two kids(one is one but two are ten)? Thanks for any input.
if you decide to get a kitten let me know, i have a friend that is looking for a home for her kitten 8wks old - i can post pics (with HG's help)
Is the male neutered? If not...............get a female, he won't take to another male. Second, even then, it's no guarantee they will get along. My two cats still hate each other, they ignore each other at all costs, will NOT play together. Not quite what I had in mind. No blood shed, but they are not friends. Some cats, especially when they are grown won't take to another one. Also, if the male cat is not neutered, he may start to spray to mark his territory. Honestly, I'd think long and hard about adding a second one unless he is exceptionally laid back. This is strictly my opinion based on personal experience. YMMV. 8)
I too thought my older kitty needed a friend ... Wrong ... although they lived together until my Jasmine passed away, Jasmine was not happy that another feline was in her homestead and only showed love to lil' sister by ignoring her altogether and keeping space from each other. I guess I should've just left Jasmine to enjoy watching fish swim around in the fishtank .. I think she enjoyed that best (besides people snuggle) O well. Whatever you decide, just don't forget to spay or neuter :hurray:
Got 8 of them at the house ranging from probably 13-16 years to about 3 years. And they all get along 99 percent of the time. Mix of males and females all fixed.
He is neutered. I adopted him and it was already done. He was a little rescue kitty and he knew exactly what to do when I came in the Petsmart looking for one. He came up to the glass to greet me and put his paws up. He's a generic looking cat but he's always been a good boy. He just seems lonely sometimes.
i have 4 male cats,an 11 yr old russian blue who is so laid back next step is death,for some reason after my pengie died and my daughter came to live with us he didnt like her cat and terrorized him. we never knew he could be mean.i had an 8 week old kitten and he was okay with him but not daughters cat. i think he wanted to be boss cat, since pengie was gone he was next in line. daughter moved out and since then we have 2 more kittens all age 1-2,siameses. they all get along but the two chocolate points play with each other more. they pair off, the two chocs and grady and the flame point are always together. all are neutered.
don't have cats anymore, developed an allergy (i hate that) and can't have them but all through my life i found that if you have an adult cat and bring another adult in, they resent the second cat but if you bring a kitten in then their natural instincts take over and they get along great, little one always knows who was there first :lol: Hardware. I've decided based on all the opinions that I'll probably just stick with the one cat we have.
Well .. .being that you adopted him thru a rescue @ Petsmart, you could take him there to see how he does with older cat vs kitten... They'll give you good pointers on how to introduce, what route you should take (ie.. age,female vs male, etc) and all that good stuff. Speaking of Petsmart/feline adoptions -- you can also consider fostering; then man cat of the house may pick one he likes & you'll be good to go !
I have four males and their relationships are as complex as people...'A' likes 'B' but hates 'C' who is BFF with 'D': 'C' likes 'B' and...well, you get the point. My wife's opinion (...and I think she's right) is that female cats are generally looney and that males are less trouble -spraying notwithstanding, although that can be 'fixed'. My opinion is that males are fine together until you introduce a female- just like homo sapiens...