Man, 84, fends off attackers

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Hught, Apr 24, 2009.

  1. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Man, 84, fends off attackers

    Posted by David Pescovitz, April 24, 2009 4:26 PM

    Two men attempted to carjack Ted Mazetier, 84, of Tacoma, Washington. So he beat the crap out of them. Very Gran Torino. From KOMO NEWS:
    Mazetier was driving down South Proctor Street Wednesday night when he spotted a car on the curb and two guys standing nearby. He thought they needed help, so he stopped...

    "When I opened the door, he started toward me and I kicked him in the balls," he said.

    When the other man charged, Mazetier put his feet up and kicked him in the belly.

    "He kind of bent a little and went down. And I went around the guy and I'm in the street, and I'm waving for cars to stop and, you know, help."

    The two men fled, not having gotten whatever they were looking for. ​
    "Don't you mess with grandpa, sonny"
  2. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    An old friend of mine's dad had some rental property that was vacant when the old gentleman checked in on it. It had been broken into and a young hoodlum thought he would steamroll past him and escape. When the deputies arrived, Hezikaiah had to do all of the talking because he had broken the young man's jaw so badly he could not speak to answer questions. There was only one hard right from what Hezikaiah called the "American Maul". What the young man did not know is with a name like Hezikaiah the old gentleman had been in his share of fights. One of the more memorable ones was in a place called Normandy where he was a Pathfinder for the invasion. He was literally one of the first of the first Allied soldiers to land in Europe.

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