Saw a report today on the news, not sure if it was ABC or CNN or FOX about the increasing numbers of violent shootings in the news lately. The so called "experts" who they were interviewing about these events were asked if the economic downturn had any effect on these people losing it and causing them to go on these sort of rampages and they said no that that was not the reason, but that depression was partly to blame for these events. I kind of got to thinking that they had noted that 3 of these people who were involved in these mass shootings had recently suffered a job loss. Well I personally know that losing a job is a very traumatic experience and I believe that the loss of a job could very well cause depression and desperation with just living everyday life. Maybe I am wrong on this but it sure seems as though there is a lot of emotional issues connected with the state of the economy at this time and I myself feel very desperate and depressed trying to find a full time position. I would never go on a killing spree such as I have heard of in the news, but I really have a hard time not thinking that somehow these events ARE related to the numbers of people who are losing their jobs, homes, and savings.