but when I'm looking in the classified section of 4042, craiglists etc. for sale items and pictures are not posted with the item. I'm looking for furniture right now and I click on ex: livingroom suite for sale great condition, blue. Ok why not post pictures? I need to see it before I know if it is for me. Most people even at yardsales do not know how to display items or advertise. I learned this like this is high school. It ought to be common sense. Also tired of yardsales signs so little you can't read them and the wind has already bent them over. Put cardboard behind your signs! It's not Rock Science! Just get's on my nerves. Anyway back to internet sales sometimes they say email/call for pictures. How about you take 2 minutes to put pictures in your ad if you want to sell it! It's all about presentation . I'm freakin tired people, just let me click on the ad and see a picture. I listed something on Craigslist one night within 12 hrs it was sold out the door. Good pictures and discription. Ok, going to get my meds, thanks for listening I feel better now. I know you agree with me KDC.
Just pass over the post that don't have the little camera icon beside them. If no pic... do not click! If no pic... do not click! If no pic... do not click! :lol:
The big problem with putting any pictures with classified ads on 4042 is they limit the size of the picture you can put on. Craigslist doesn't do that. I doubt most people know how to shrink their pictures down to get to the size allotment allowed on here.
Hey now.............lady do I know you???? :jester: As a matter of fact, I do, LOL. And I do agree. It's frustrating to be looking for something in particular, see a posting that might fit the purpose and then there isn't a picture. Especially of cars. Most photo software does allow you to re-size for here. It's not particularly difficult, just takes a few minutes.
Well than be like Home depot and Lowes and have a Saturday morning workshop on how to post pics... Put a tip jar out and you may get a few bucks... :jester::jester:
if pics were as easy to post here people would do it, maybe you can explain to people who arent experts on how to do it. i would like to know.
I have tried to post pics on here as well. I could not resize them small enough to post...and yes I know how and I tried
OK, as you are reading a thread look in the lower left corner for IMG code is on, click on that link.
I put my picture into powerpoint ... resize and save. It's a fairly easy way to make the picture small enough for the classifieds.
1"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Matthew 7:1-2
I'm not judging. It's just an observation and common sense! If you want to sell something put a picture and a good description. You don't have to quote scripture to me. Sometimes things in life are common sense. I guess you relate everything to scripture? Maybe you are one of the ones having a yardsale with a card table of stuff and no signs.
Seriously? Quoting scripture for a minor rant about no pictures on ads? Really? Could you not find something more appropriate to quote scripture about? Perhaps the Clevleland apartment thread needs your eternal wisdom?