McGees Middle?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by blessed2adopt2, Apr 10, 2012.

  1. blessed2adopt2

    blessed2adopt2 Well-Known Member

    Does anyone know anything about
    McGees Middle - our child is slated to go there next year, and I've heard good and bad. Thoughts?

    What is the AVID program at McGees Middle? anyone? anyone?
  2. rincmom

    rincmom Well-Known Member

    This is our third year at McGee's Middle. I don't have anything positive to say about the principal at all or some of the teacher's there. All I can tell you is to always question everything, talk to your child and know what is going on in the classrooms, and stand up for what you believe is best for your child! Maybe you will be lucky and not get some of the teachers my child has gotten over the years, I hope so. June cannot some soon enough for us.
  3. ncgal

    ncgal Well-Known Member

    I have had mixed results at MXM. I too cannot say many positives regarding the principal. Regarding the teachers, we have had great ones and not so great ones, Like many schools if your child is self motivated and does well in school they will have no problems. The issue is if your child gravitates to negative behaviors or has a poor outlook in school, there is more temptations at MXM than others. One of my children who is now in high school has said is that there were much more drugs, skipping school, and outright bad behavior at MXM than she has ever seen in high school. Now that my 2nd child is there I have had many more open discussions with him about these topics so hopefully he will be aware and be influenced.
  4. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

  5. davynchristy

    davynchristy Well-Known Member

    We are halfway through our 2nd year at MXM and I couldn't be more pleased. Just as it was said above, it depends on what teachers you get and how your child handles school. They are much more independent here and it's up to your student to provide you with information and your job to constantly ask. Our child plays three sports for the school so he has a close group of teachers/coaches that know him on a different level other than just academically and a tight group of good friends that he plays on teams with. Our child is also in his 2nd year of AVID and it is definitely a group you want to consider. He had to interview for it the summer before his 6th grade year, but once you're in - you're in. The groups of AVID students have all of their academic classes together and form a tight bond. Their AVID teacher works on study techniques and college preparation. Our child has already visited 3 college campuses and attended two job fairs. Their projects focus on items such as picking a college and finding out who your advisor would be and what your curriculum would need to consist of your freshman year. Even though college is still 6 years away, he is going to be so prepared and also able to help us through the process as his parents with less fear.
    Good luck!
  6. Mr. Spock

    Mr. Spock Guest

    Hi, I am new to the board. This is my experience with McGees Middle. My son is in 8th grade there. This is the worst year out of all 3. 7th grade was the best out of all 3 years. My son is in advanced LA and Algebra 1. The algebra teacher is horrible. Sometimes she is nice and then other times she is degrading and rude to the class. Her teaching method is to teach just the base of the math concept and not the rest. Kids are given homework (which she takes a grade on) and tests that have problems she didn't teach because the kids were to figure it out for themselves. This is great method if the kids are all math geniuses. Mine is smart and just needs to be taught to learn. He has no problem understanding it after I teach it to him. I have been doing her job at home all year. He would have a low grade if I didn't. In language arts, the teacher has been doing a book that is meant to counsel kids if they have a probelm. When my son told me about this book I didn't care for it but they had already been doing it for a few weeks (I didn't know they were doing this in class). I was told it would take about 5 weeks total to complete. So I just let him continue with it. So sorry that I did. The school made it sound so wonderful, it isn't. Next week will be 13 weeks and they are still not finished with it. The whole time I just kept thinking they should be done soon. I should have stopped it. The assignments are very personal (my son wants his privacy back) and some of things the teacher has said to the class, I do not feel are appropriate or accuarate. She is not teaching english, she is counseling the class without having the proper training. I wish I had known they were doing this book to begin with and I should have tried to get something else for him to do instead of this (once I knew about it). Lesson learned the hard way. They are close to the end of it now. I talk to my son about what was said in class every day so I can correct what I do not agree with. I have learned that I will always ask to see what they are doing in class before my son gets it. I can't only hope that your son or daughter does not get either of these teachers. This is my first post, I hope it isn't too lengthy.
  7. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    You might consider that it might not be so much the teacher but the curriculum and resources the teacher is forced to follow. I've not seen the Algebra course of study. I have though seen the course of study and resources used for an advanced 6th grade math class. It makes NO sense. The teacher is forced to jump back and forth through the book in NO systematic order. Here is an example of how the lessons must be introduced 7-7, 3-4, 12-3, 12-4, 12-5, 10-5, 10-1, 10-2, 10-6.... The teacher shared she would love to teach the lessons in order but instead must follow the schedule set by the school system because of quarterly county testing and EOGs. The textbook itself is greatly lacking!! I do not understand how any child can actually learn math the way it is is being presented. I'm thankful I do not have a child in the JC school system!
  8. mom23

    mom23 Active Member

    It's the teacher. Trust me.
  9. Mr. Spock

    Mr. Spock Guest

    It's totally the math teacher. What's worse is that she is allowed to do this. The principal has no problem with her methods or how she talks to the kids. I tried to change teachers but was refused. It's got nothing to do with going back and forth through the chapters trust me!
  10. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I know which teacher y'all are referring to. I hated her the entire year. But I can assure you, she taught my son good algebra. When he got to high school the teachers there KNEW who he had without asking, by what he knew. She knows what she's doing regardless if we agree with the way she does it. Trust me your kid will live right through it just like mine did.
  11. rincmom

    rincmom Well-Known Member

    I know this teacher too. I don't like the way she "teaches" either. Too bad for the kids that can't teach themselves the math, she isn't going to be bothered to do it. Maybe some kids will survive her but how many don't?
  12. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    I have got to say that I loved the AVID program at MCMS and the counsler that is in charge of it however, don't be fouled about the AVID kids being all wonderful. My child was bullied awful at the school and administration did not take care of it. All I was told several times was that they were good kids and they wouldn't do that. My child was not even the one that reported the bulling the 1st time it was another student and we were still not believed. The AP at the school is very nice and does everything she can to please you however she had to do what the principal tells her to do. The principal is ALWAYS in her office and is not out and about in her halls and classes, she leaves this up to her AP. This never changed so we transferred schools. I will say though if you communicate with most of the teachers they will stay in contact with you as well with any problems you may have.

    Good Luck, but I will say stay involved in everything......

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