McGees Soccer

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Hello. Some of my kids have outgrown Upwards and need something a bit more competitive. Older boys do anyways. Looked into GCAA but due to major life issues last week, missed registration. So, heard about JUSA and McGees. McGees is still open. Wrote someone on the contact spot but have not heard back yet. Keep in mind, only wrote them yesterday though. However, I thought I saw someone post something about try outs this weekend. Does anyone know? My boys are 13 and another child is 4yo. I don't want to register online yet till I know I can. According to birth dates, they would go into the U15 category. Anyone on here play w/ McGees that could tell me more? Where do they usually practice? How long? When are games typically? Reason I'm asking is I'll have half my kids playing soccer at one location and half at another. Tryign to see if all will work out before committing. I've heard good things here and there about McGees but truly want to learn more. Do the teens play more competitively? Thanks in advance for any input. I've also heard about XL Soccer in Raleigh. Any experience w/ that?

    Stephanie-- mom to 11
  2. 42Local

    42Local Well-Known Member

    Not sure about McGees, but you can contact GCAA and ask if you can do a late registration. I've done that before with soccer for my kids when I missed registration.
  3. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Tried that. I had contacted them and they were nice and I could register. Then, something happened in our family that took priority over anything else going on in life. Got back to normal and then contacted them again and said I could not. It was a week later so I understand. Just one of those situational things I couldn't help. So, thought McGees would be great as it isn't too far. Now though, looking into XL b/c no one at McGees is getting back to me at all. I just wanted to get this all lined up. So, if suggestions on other soccer options out there, please do let me know. Have 3 other kids to sign up. Ages 4, 13, and 13. Other kids signed up in another league. Never thought signing up kids for soccer this season would prove to be so difficult. LOL.

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