Meadow to Celebrate American Education With SpecialActivitie

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Nov 11, 2005.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    BENSON-- Meadow School will host several activities for American
    Education Week under the theme,
    "American Education Week: A Strong America Starts with Great Public
    Schools." The schedule of events follows:

    Monday: Grade 3 will lead the school in reciting the pledge

    Tuesday: Flag Raising ceremony

    Wednesday: Retired Teachers Luncheon in the cafeteria. Students will
    entertain the teachers and decorate for the luncheon.

    Thursday: "Read a Good Book" day
    Grade 5 will lead the school in reciting the pledge

    Friday: American Essay Contest due (Sponsored by the American Legion
    "Reading Jogs Your Mind" day: students will jog during P.E. class

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