The Meadows of Southfort HOA annual meeting is Wednesday, Jan. 17. The meeting is at Westview Elementary at 7 pm.
Let's be honest, do we all need to know half the stuff posted on here? In fact, you are eligible to run for our Board of Directors and so if you didn't pass by our subdivision signs, you might not realize the meeting is next week and you would miss the chance to be voted on the board. Oh, and if you weren't a Meadows of Southfort resident and thought it didn't apply to you, why did you open the thread and more, why did you bother to respond? But, hey, thanks for bumping it! And consider changing your avatar to ****y new year, cuz you sure aren't happy.
well... for what it's worth, I looked at it. Don't live there...and know nothing about the place. My cousin built a few houses there ... still. it involves me in no way.. but I still can appreciate the post. carry on.
With the postings on this board no telling if this was a note telling of a scandle brewing, lost pet, vandals in the area or ? ...
Well, I'm glad you clicked in. You are eligible to run for the Board of Directors and there are 4 open spots with no challengers. Should I nominate you?
I am curious as to how many actually use this community calendar, I know it is out there somewhere, I have looked at it before, but it honestly isn't front and center in my thoughts or adventures.
I usually post church events there, and I know on Christmas Eve one of our visitors said they found out about the Christmas Eve candlelight service from the 4042 calendar.
That's what everybody that lives in the subdivision says.....I thought access to the pool would be worth the time volunteered.
Pretty much! Well, that and the chance to work with about nine dedicated people that actually give a dang about the community. T
Morderboy, I applaud anyone who takes an interest in their neighborhood. Without those 9 dedicated individuals, I'm sure your neighborhood wouldn't be as enjoyable or well cared for. I think most folks want their neigbhood cared for and maintained - but they always want someone else to do it. Good luck in your efforts. I'm sure you and the other 9 folks serving your community are setting a great example for your children and neighbors by doing what you can to make your neighborhood a better place to live. ("Location: Barren Wasteland" ???? that doesn't seem to be an accurate reflection of your neighborhood or community)