This 3-year-old Great Dane/Newfoundland mix is 6 feet,5 inches on his hind legs and weighs 276 pounds. He has been named Britain’s biggest dog, and he is still growing. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
NOW THAT is what I am talking about! I told hubby no more fru-fru doggies for me. If I get anymore puppies they will be huge. Something that would be very cute for Samson would be if the owners had called him Slim or Bit-bit or something very small sounding. :lol:
LOL!! That would be funny! The reverse of my Mom's 3 lb teacup Poodle named "Rocky" I have to roll my eyes every time I say his name! Back to the original topic, that ain't a dog! That's a horse in dog disguise!