
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by FrameMaMa, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    I remember the day you were born, how I held you and couldn't believe that you were really mine. I thought I would never know what to do with you, you were so small and helpless.
    Then in the blink of an eye you were a toe headed toddler, that would come thumping down the hallway in your pj's and socks, dragging 12 stuffed animals with you to come in for a snuggle.
    I cherished each and every moment of it, because I knew that it would only be a moment before you were off.
    Off to your first day of school, losing your first tooth, having your first sleepover.
    The time has flown by, and while you don't thump down the hall with all your stuffed animals anymore, you still come in for a snuggle on the couch, and you still think that your mom makes it all ok when you are sick, you are growing into an amazing man right before my eyes.
    13 years ago today was the happiest day of my life, and you have made everyday since then worth it. Even though we have had our fair share of bumps in the road, and wondered if we were going to make it through, I wouldn't trade a minute of it.
    I love you son, you make my life complete.
    Happy Birthday!
    I can't believe 13 years have gone by so fast!
  2. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    Best wishes to you and your son...mine turned 16 yesterday and I thought I was all done with my tears until I read your post. Thanks alot! :lol:
  3. SubMom727

    SubMom727 Well-Known Member

    Happy Birthday to your son! My sons are 28 and 22 and I still keep those memories close to my heart! May you have many more memories just as sweet!
  4. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    As the mom of 3 grown sons, that brought tears to my eyes too Framemama - thanks so much for sharing & hope your son has a wonderful birthday and over the next few years when the terrible teenage years set in, keep that post close and pull it out to remind yourself of how you are feeling today:grouphug:

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