A Marine buddy of mine sent this to me. Here's a video link of a bar in Reno, Nevada, flying a Mexican flag above the American flag. http://www.krnv.com/global/video/po...lag flown above American flag&vt1=v&at1=Video If the above link doesn't work, here's the link to local comments about the newstory with the video: http://www.krnv.com/Global/story.asp?S=7162515 - - - - - - - - A link to flag protocol: http://www.ushistory.org/betsy/flagetiq.html An excerpt: Reno, Nevada, October 2, 2007, the flagpole at a local bar displayed the Mexican flag above the US flag on the same flagpole. Section 7g reads, "When flags of two or more nations are displayed, they are to be flown from separate staffs of the same height. The flags should be of approximately equal size. International usage forbids the display of the flag of one nation above that of another nation in time of peace." - - - - - - - - A couple of quick questions come to mind: Did the vet act appropriately? The video doesn't show it, but should the vet have spoken to the bar owner first about the flags? If the bar owner said he likes the flags just like they are, then does anyone have the authority/right to do what the vet did?
Although the Flag Code is U.S. Federal law, there is no penalty for failure to comply with the Flag Code and it is not widely enforced—indeed, punitive enforcement would conflict with the First Amendment right to freedom of speech. source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_United_States (I tried to add/edit this into my first post but couldn't.)
I post the "Flag Police" posts here on 4042.com. I've been confronting people on flag issues in our community for over 4 years now. At current I have over 200 pictures of flags flown in disgrace in just our community area. I've learned some very good lessons. Although I can agree with the veteran who removed the flag, he is still wrong. 1. He did not act approprietly. What he did was act in anger first and did not approach the owner. What he did was illegal and he's darn lucky he did not get arrested. 2. The news reporter was wrong. It is not "illegal" to fly the flag in this manner. The General Statutes have been tested in the courts over and over and they fail each time. As much as I hate to say this, the bar owner can fly that flag in any manner he wants and can get away with it. Here's what I've found works the best: If you see a flag that's flying wrong, tattered or just plain disgraceful approach the owner and "kindly" request they remove it. If they get an attitude just walk away. Make sure your not on their property and start taking pictures of it. If they are still there, let them know your putting the pic's on a local community web site with their location. If it's a business, talk to the owner or manager only. AS A FOOTNOTE: 1. For over 4 months now I've continually asked the Hwy42 Citgo to put lights on those flags they fly, if they are going to fly them at night. None of them are "ornamental" class flags and they all require a dedicated light. They have yet to fix the problem. Please stop by and let them know we don't like it. 2. If anyone in here works for the Town of Clayton please tell them to revise how they fly the flags on the telephone poles on main street for special occasions. The flag poles are too short and the flags snag on the telephone poles. And, some do not have lights above them. 3. Please thank the Clayton Kangaroo Gas Station on Hwy 70 (in front of Food Lion) for taking down the tattered flag, if your in there. PS: I'm looking for a grant to continue my project on "The American Flag, the good, the bad and the ugly." I've failed obtaining a grant from the government. I got beat out by topics like, "Indoctrinating Illegal Hispanics into the system." If you know of any philanthropists looking for a good cause???
Dan, have you tried a veterans' organization? Maybe the VFW? I got some very nice color brochures a couple of years ago, about flying the flag with proper respect, I think they came from the VFW but I'm not sure about that. Anyway, they might be willing to fund your project. I'm glad somebody is doing something about it. I get very annoyed to see people flying tattered, ragged flags, and leaving them out there in all kinds of weather, day and night, unlighted. Thank you.
ddrdan: sounds like you're doing a great job. I remember seeing a photo in the N&O of, I believe, our NC Sec. of State wearing a piece of clothing that looked like the American Flag. Disrepect for the flag comes at all levels and methods.