Although he is innoncent until proven guilty the individuals responsible for these dog fighting charges and slaughtering these dogs should be castrated if found guilty. Federal indictments end up with about a 90% guilty party.
Just due to the Duke Lacrosse thing, I think he should continue to be allowed to practice and play until he is found guilty. Dog fighters are the worst.
Didn't the property belong to him? There's no way you can raise, what was it...60 or more Pitbulls AND have a fighting area and training areas on your property, and not know about it.
The thing I find interesting about this one is that there have been murderers that have played until they have gone to jail. There area dozens that will never pass a drug test and they are still playing. Etc........, and they finally pick dog fighting to get tough on.
It's not that at all. Since Roger Goodell took over as commissioner of the NFL, things have gotten quite a bit more tight. He is not as soft as Tagliabue(sp) was. This dude is bringing down the hammer and I am glad he is. So many classless players in the NFL anymore and they have been getting away with too much crap in the past few years and getting paid too much money.
One stupid ex-athlete trying to defend Vick! Deoin Sanders quote: "I believe Vick had a passion for dogfighting. I know many athletes who share his passion. The allure is the intensity and the challenge of a dog fighting to the death. It’s like ultimate fighting, but the dog doesn’t tap out when he knows he can’t win."
Sanders, now that's another one. :roll: :roll: Too much money and not enough sence :evil: How long before the "race" card is thrown in? :roll:
I hate people who abuse animals! but i guess if one good thing comes from this , is that the problem is more out in the open now ,with all the press its been getting. Maybe it will help get stronger laws against dog fighting and animal abuse.
All for innocent until proven guilty but this guy has a job in the limelight making kajillions. If he spent too much money in this "passion" of his and keeping the electric hooked up next to the garden hose, apply at McDonald's. Meantime, stay out of the public eye where young kids just may need a football hero.
With the money he was making, and the number of people he was supporting(cousins etc), he may have had the house, had his cousins living there, and not even been there before. That is the case with a lot of athletes, who are trying to help out family. I read about an NBA player that says he was supporting 50 people (aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters etc), many houses, many of which he had not been to. All I'm saying is let it work out in the legal system. If his cousins turn on him, and provide photos of him there, then bring on the jail time.
I was thinking the same thing! All he needs now sitting behind him in the court room is Al and Jesse :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: