Micro book store opening soon

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Ron Still, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. Ron Still

    Ron Still Well-Known Member

    Friends of Cleveland Library will open and run a micro book store at the library in addition to listings on Amazon.com. Interested individuals are invited to call 919-661-6565 for more information, join the non-profit, and share their visions for the growing library. Friends of the Cleveland Library will have an inventory of 40-60,000 books to open. Although the sales area is small, it is anticipated to hold up to 3,000 titles. Titles will range from The Help to obscure works, Greek classics to Harlequin romance, hard cover to paperback, text books to fantasy, used to new. Friends will be in charge of displaying the books, putting the sales catalog on the Internet, and assisting with the sales and promotions. There is an interest in the community in bringing authors and residents together. If you have experience and can arrange schedules and publicity, please contact us. A search is on for a larger room for the authors’ Meet and Greet, promotions, and readings. MasterCard, VISA, and checks will be accepted for membership and purchases. The store will be open 7 days a week. Store hours and sales catalog listing will be on the library's home page at: http://4042needs.org/ When you are on Face Book, please LIKE Cleveland Library in Garner.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2012

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