Microwave shorting,

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Rockyv58, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    I've been doing some House cleaning, getting rid of stuff to good will, re arranging things in my kitchen. I moved my Microwave cart from the side of one counter to the side of the other counter. Cleaned it and the toaster and toaster oven. Went to Wal-mart to do my grocery shopping and saw the "angry Mama". I had seen how it worked on youtube so I picked one up to try to get the tough stuff out of the microwave.

    Well the microwave cut off in the middle of it. When I went to re do it I realized the inside was sparking so I turned it off. Where I moved it to, there is a Hoffritz for cutlery knife set. I moved it and tried heating some water for 90 and it worked fine, But now it has a little burnt hole in the top corner (just a little smaller than a dime). Should I be able to still use it or just not risk it and replace it?


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  2. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    I would not take the chance. There was a lot of heat generated to burn through like that and no way to be sure there is not damage inside the unit. It might be good or it might be a fire waiting to happen.
    poppin cork, Hught and cynadon like this.
  3. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    Throw it away. I tinker, play, experiment with a lot of stuff. Microwave oven transformers (MOTs) are dangerous if not respected! I've got a neon sign transformer that puts out 15,000 volts and hardly any current. It hurts but it don't kill. A MOT puts out 2000 volts with a half amp! If the transformer is wired straight to the wall, bypassing the diodes, it puts out on both sides of the sine.

    A microwave is cheaper than a new house.

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