Misquoted dental costs at Riccobene

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by smiles, May 12, 2015.

  1. smiles

    smiles Well-Known Member

    Today was a very frustrating day. In the fall, our dentist let us know our oldest child would soon need all 4 wisdom teeth removed before they began affecting his other teeth. At his Feb. appointment it was apparent "soon" was here. Our dental insurance only had one oral surgeon in network in our area, and he works at a different dental practice so...

    We called Dr. Riccobene's 40/42 office (where the oral surgeon works) before Easter and talked about having the procedure done as soon as the spring semester (college) ended. At that time, since my husband is out of work, I asked for an approximate cost of the procedure to make sure we had enough in savings. I was told, understandably, that a specific amount was difficult to state, but that the most it would be was $340 per tooth if the tooth was impacted. I did the math, figured what insurance would cover, and felt good about making the appointment. (Our dentist had mentioned at least 2 were impacted so I used that amount to calculate an approximate cost.)

    Yesterday, I called and asked for a more specific amount so I could remove it from savings, and it could be paid today when the teeth were removed. I was told there was no estimate because they didn't know how much insurance would pay (they had all paperwork and insurance card in advance) and they needed a $94 consultation first. (When I made the appointment, the dentist had already sent all x-rays and information to them, and they said the consultation fee would be waived since we were just coming in the day of the procedure.) I asked if my husband could bring our son to the appointment and call me with the amount so I could bring it around 3:30. That way my husband could take our son straight home. I was told that was absolutely fine and not a problem.

    Today, the office refused to do the surgery until they were paid in full, upsetting our son when he was told to pay (my husband was not allowed to be with him in the back since he is 18). He texted his dad from the back room about the bill! However, instead of the $700-800 bill I was expecting, the bill was almost $1900! When my husband questioned what I had been told weeks ago (now it was $533/impacted tooth), he was told no one should have given us an amount over the phone. He had to call and reactivate an old care credit account to pay for part of the bill because he was also told no one should have told me I could bring the money when I got off work.

    The entire event was EXTREMELY frustrating and upsetting. Obviously whoever is making appointments and answering the phones does not know the "rules" my husband was quoted today about prices and payments.

    On the positive side, the surgery went well, my son is doing fine, and his treatment itself was very good.
  2. robbie

    robbie Well-Known Member

    Riccobene has got to be the worst on the billing end of things.........Everytime I have work done, they always quote me how much I would owe at the time of the appointment.......then a month later, I get a bill from them because insurance did not pay the amount they thought..... this happens every time!!!! Of course, I can't pay them right away when their bill comes and they charge you interest each month on the balance... lousy practice on the billing end................ BUT I can tell you that they do do very good work and the dentists and hygenists are the best :)
    nabgirl likes this.
  3. barney726

    barney726 Well-Known Member

    where is "ifloss" when you need him?

    ZUMBAbyMARIE Well-Known Member

    My Daughter had $5,000 worth of Invisalign work done. I paid, then Insurance would pay. Every month I had a credit of over $100.00. I had to call them EVERY month for a refund. They thought I would like to keep the credit on my account. They don't give free loans and neither do I! On top of that I had to pay $315. for a retainer. We thought that was included. :( The Dentists and Hygienist that we see are always very nice and do a good job. Unfortunately my Daughter isn't happy with the completed work. :(
    nabgirl likes this.

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    I see and understand your frustration and I've been burned like this before, but to a smaller degree you sort of brought some of this on yourself. After being burned myself on medical services via scar revision by a plastic surgeon, I was taught a very valuable lesson to never receive any type of service be it medical, dental, mechanical for the cars or repairs on the home without the estimate in writing before the deal is agreed upon. Even my dog's vet gives me an estimate in writing for any procedure they feel the dogs need. Even with getting anything in writing it's still an estimate and things need to be cleared from the beginning that if it looks as if things are leaning towards an increase in that estimate that nothing will be done unless you're made aware of it and they have your approval. But we all know the old saying "hindsight is 20/20"
  6. smiles

    smiles Well-Known Member

    When someone represents a business and says "the most it will be is..." they should know what they are talking about. If, as my husband was told yesterday, no one should ever be giving an estimate from this dental office, then their employee was in the wrong weeks ago. To refuse to give me an estimate in advance, as they did on Monday, is also on them. (Maybe I should have cancelled the appointment, but then I would have had to remake the appointment at the same place for insurance reasons.)

    This community gushes about Dr. R's practice. I have had no experience with them until now, and they were the only practice my insurance allowed to do the surgery. Should I have demanded it in in writing? Maybe, but, remember, they said on Monday they couldn't give me an amount before the appointment and consultation. Whatever happened to people speaking in authority for a local business and speaking the truth? I don't believe I "brought this on" myself. I believe I was lied to. I believe they know there are some things people will have to depend upon them for and they choose to take advantage of the fact that their oral surgeon is the only one in the county on a specific dental plan. Should I have allowed my son's entire set of teeth to be adversely affected by not removing these wisdom teeth? Because that's the only alternative there really was.
  7. AWmom

    AWmom Well-Known Member

    Every time anyone in my family is in need of dental work it is never what they quoted me.

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Sorry for your frustration but I've had wisdom teeth extractions myself as well as all of my children and during the consultation part of it I was provided the estimate, what was covered by my insurance and it was always implied that more charges may be incurred during the procedure. I find it very hard to believe that your insurance company has only Dr. Riccobene as a provider?????? I'm sure somewhere on the paperwork they provided you and signed by you or your husband there's disclaimers on it (very small print I'm sure) but no medical practice or dental practice runs business without it. You also have the right to challenge your insurance company on this and I call BS that their oral surgeon is the only one listed on your plan as a provider. Insurance companies don't go by the COUNTY for contracts, they go by the State provider list of physicians who have a license to practice in NC. Take BCBS or UHC or even NC Medicaid, their provider listing is very long for the State of NC but you can narrow it down by a provider close to you for convenience, otherwise you have the choice to go anywhere in the state for treatment, there is no one insurance company that contracts for just ONE oral surgeon.
  9. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    The list of providers depends on the policy, for example most physicians in the area are part of the Gold BCBS plans, but the lower plans have fewer and fewer participants. One BCBS plan excluded all of the Duke network, while including UNC. Another excluded pharmacies such as Walgreens and CVS, but included some Krogers. As a result it very well could be that one oral surgeon is covered under the plan.
  10. smiles

    smiles Well-Known Member

    Our DENTAL insurance has one oral surgeon in network for here. He works for Dr. R. There are many dentists listed, just not oral surgeons nearby. Are there others? Yes, but not in Johnston County. The next closest one was a bit of a drive. If I had known they would lie to me, we would have pursued driving a bit to get this done. This dental insurance is through my employer, and they just changed to this new provider. We have the "high" option which is why insurance covered a small portion of this surgery. Before this, there were more options and better benefits. This was NOT covered by medical insurance so the provider list for BCBS did not apply.

    Because this is not our regular dental practice (and will never be after this incident), the consultation was held at the same appointment as the surgery was scheduled. We had already seen the x-rays, etc. at our dentist's office (the x-rays and other info were sent directly to Dr. R's office by our dentist.). It was not that there were "more charges" but that I was told a specific maximum amount per tooth, and then billed almost $200 more PER TOOTH.

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Yes, this is very true but she gave the impression, at least to me, that she had no choice and when someone makes the statement "in the area" I include Wake County, Durham County and Orange County when it comes to medical/dental providers. Either way, I'm sorry for her frustration as I've been on that end myself, hindsight is a wonderful thing. I'm not too sure I agree with coming on here and bashing his practice though because I still feel that sometimes you have a hand in how events turn out, take the time to ask questions, demand things in writing, confirm two or three times that everyone is on the same page etc.
  12. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Not having specifics makes it very hard, but a search of one of the BCBS networks showed no oral surgery within the state. There were a few outside of the state listed, but none in NC. The different classifications between facilities and providers along with plans makes a difference.
  13. 42Local

    42Local Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry this happened to you and I appreciate you sharing it here. Too often people are afraid to share a negative experience. We use this dentist, but I will certainly not use them for a major procedure like this after hearing your experience. We had already stopped using the 40/42 office because of not being happy with their scheduling. Every single time I call for an appointment nothing is available for weeks or months. And then they started automatically scheduling our next appointments, so I'd get these weird appointment verification calls or a call that we missed an appointment that I never scheduled. And they completely stalk you with the appointment verifications...is it really necessary for me to have to verify by phone, email, AND text?! I now get my teeth cleaned at one of their Wake County offices and am MUCH happier. The 40/42 office just seems to be very poorly managed.
    Last edited: May 15, 2015
    nabgirl likes this.
  14. spy109

    spy109 Well-Known Member

    This happened to me but I didn't care to much thnx to my FSA have plenty of cash on it. Two weeks ago got my wisdom teeth removed. The final bill was right at a $100 different then the original estimate. This was at the 40/42 location. I normally go to the McGee's location. The service is always great though so I keep using them.
  15. smiles

    smiles Well-Known Member

    Well, this just happened to us now. Absolutely amazing because insurance paid EXACTLY what I (and Riccobene's office) KNEW they would pay. We put a specific amount on care credit AND PAID THE REMAINDER IN FULL BEFORE THEY WOULD DO THE SURGERY. Now we have a bill...and late charges because it's over 30 days since the surgery EVEN THOUGH THIS IS THE FIRST BILL WE'VE RECEIVED AND WE'VE PAID THEM IN FULL.

    If this is "common practice" which, from coworkers who use the Flowers Plantation location it seems to be, then something rotten is going on at this dentist's offices.
  16. smiles

    smiles Well-Known Member

    So my post above was made 15 minutes after I called the office. I was told the person I needed to speak with was with a patient and would call me right back...Personally I think waiting by the phone for over 4 hours exceeds the "right back" part of that message. I've called back, and I'm still waiting to speak with the billing person.
  17. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    Dr. Riccobene used to post on this board. His name is: IFloss Send him a PM. Looks like he last posted in 2014. Serch: IFloss and start a conversation. Good luck.
    jlc007 and tassy like this.
  18. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    I have a friend that has to switch dentist because of insurance. Riccobene is a option. Any updates on his practice. Especially the Flowers Plantation location.

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